Chapter 2 Maddy

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Chapter 2

The next day we woke up went to Starbucks and got a coffee and cake. I love seeing g hiw they spell my name. Different one every day sometimes nowhere close but everyone is really nice and when Olli said to the caisir it was my first drink there they gave me extra cream! We went all over New York and saw everthing. We went on top of the empire state building. I was so scared but I had Olli there with his arm around me so I knew I wouldn't fall. We then went to Times Square where we danced together. I could have staid out for ever, as long as I had Olli I wouldn't care where we were. We made our way back to Olli's flat we I noticed a large parcel adressed to me. I told Carla the adress of Olli's mom's flat but not his, mabye his mom brought it up. Inside was my note book my laptop and chargers. All the things I had left at home. Not my true home. Home with lies. There was a note from mom. I was so confused. I thought she would be furious with me for running away to NY. Mom said that she was upset by my choice but that she hopes she can do something to make it up to me. How can she do that. I've been stuck in an all white house for 18 years. How can she make it up to me? She will never be able to restore the last 15 years. I've never been to a proper school. I've never been to a theme park, all the exciting things in life I never got to do. Olli saw how sad and frustrated I was and told my to write a list of everything I missed out on. The list was endless. Olli then said ' I will make this right maddy, I promise' and kissed me. Olli had to go back to school so I stayed with his mom. Those days were great. I cooked Olli a meal when he came back from uni but the last day. I really thought I could of died. I went out to Starbucks and In + Out so I was a bit late but when I went into Olli's apartment I found him with a girl from his school and they were kissing. Olli's eyes widened when he saw me. I  bolted down the stairs to his mom's place. I heard him shouting ' wait don't go. It's not what it looks like'. I didn't stop until I got down stairs.

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