Chapter 3 Maddy

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When I got to 14d, kira answered the door and saw me crying. She was so nice and understanding. She sat with me, got me hot chocolate and just just let me talk. 'H-he was ch-cheating on m-me!' I sobbed into her shoulder. She was taken back by what I had just said. She said he complaint so much  when I was still at home, he would never do something like that. But he did. I stayed with kira the whole day. We went to Starbucks and got a McDonald's. I finally had my mind off Olli when we went back to 14d, but guess who was standing outside to door waiting for us. Olli himself with blood shot eyes like mine. Kira looked at me with knowing eyes. I slowly shook my head as a signal that she should go to her room. After she left it was just us together. I screamed at him 'how could you do this to me I thought you loved me.' He was so baffled by what I had just said he found it hard to speak. He 'said that was Anna she is my science partner. She came onto me. She was so embarrassed when I told her that you were my girlfriend and one true love'. 'You really said that' I whispered as my cheeks tinted. 'How else would I describe you?' He said softly before a huge smile crept across his face. 'I have a suprise for you' he said before grabbing my hand and covering up my eyes with a hot pink scarf. 'You have nice colour taste!' I joked as I felt my shoulder brush past a door frame. Olli then sat me on the couch before leaving me for five minutes. When he took the scarf off my face I saw streamers on the walls, balloons scattered around the small room and Olli, standing in a tuxedo holding flowers. 'How do you like prom?' He said moving closer to me. For the rest of the night we danced, talked, laughed.

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