Chapter 16

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Exited and ready for the day ahead, me and Carla are having a pep talk whilst getting my dress on. I couldn't help but feel a sharp pain in my lower back as we walked to the car to take my to the church. Me and mim linked arms and she kissed the top of my head and we started to walk down the cold stone isle. Olli's eyes lit up when he saw me and I saw tears pick in him eyes as I met him at the alter. The reception was really quick and before I knew it Olli took my hands, looked deep into my eyes and said ' I do.' I I felt a small squeeze on my hands as my gaze fell to the floor. ' I do.' I said. Olli placed his hand on my baby bump and looked at me as the vicar was talking about something. 'You may now kiss the bride.' He said smiling. Me and Olli exchanged looks before he pressed his lips to mine making my whole body tingle. I then felt a sharp pain in my lower back again. I felt something run down my leg as more pain shot the the lower part of my body. I clued Olli's suited chest for support before I gently fell to the ground. Olli crouched down looking concerned. 'Mads, are you ok?' He whispered panickedly into my ear. 'I think the babys coming.' I gasped as the contraction ended.

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