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We enter the hotel room and I sit on the bed to begin my homework and to wait for demi, "hey hal? Can you come here for a second?" Bomba asked, "sure!" I ran to bomba and he picked me up. "So tomorrow another person will be joining us?" He said in a question. "Okay... who?" I smiled,

"Well she is 11 years old, her name is Harper." He said with caution. "Hey! Both of our names start with H!" I cheered causing Bomba to giggle. "That is very correct!"

"Why is this person coming to join us? Is she a foster kid to?" I asked, "No, she is mine and your moms daughter." He hinted, oh my gosh I have a sister. "So she is my sister?" I asked, "yes, are you okay with that?"

"YES! IVE NEVER HAD A SISTER BEFORE!" I screamed jumping off of Bomba and started dancing around. "THATS SO COOL IM A BIG SISTER!" I cheered, then the door open and demi smiled "I HAVE A SISTER!" I yelled and ran to Demi and she picked me up and made an unsure smile. "I can't wait to meet her!"

"She can't wait to meet you either." Demi smiled


"So your dad told me you had a question, would you like to tell me what it was?" Demi asked as we laid on the bed in our pjs, bomba had gone to the workout room today I missed gymnastics but that's okay. "Yeah I asked him about sex and he got out weirded out and told me to wait until you got home." I shrugged, "do you still want to know what it is?"

I nodded "I know it's how baby's are made but I don't know how."

Demi breathed in and let it out, "Well Hallie, when and man and a women love eachother very much they get married and decide they're ready for a kid they have sex, okay?"

I nodded

Demi seemed nervous, "a man has what's called a-a penis, and a women has what's called a vagina." She said causing me to giggle, "come on now, be mature." Demi smiled, "okay okay, I'm serious."

"when - do we really have to do this?"

I moaned "Demi! I want to know, if you don't tell me I'll ask Edith her parents told her." I shrugged,

Demi chuckled, "okay, so the man basically- puts his -penis- in the women's vagina and releases something called sperm. The sperm swims up the women and meets something called an egg."

"That's weird."

"Isn't it?" Demi chuckled, "when the sperm meets the egg it creates a baby. Sex is something you shouldn't do until your married, it is for when two people love eachother very much. It's for love to feel closer to your partner."

"So no sex until I'm married?" I asked playing with Demi's fingers, "Correct, but some people don't wait until marriage.-" i cut demi off,

"I think I remember one time in church they said that sex before marriage was a sin, and they would go to hell and that's what Mo- Holly I mean told me, what do you believe?"

"Well darling, I believe that sex before marriage will not send you us to hell because Heavenly Father accepts us for us and forgives us of our mistakes. I just would be disappointed and hurt." I nodded "so you and bomba had sex? Does it hurt?"

"Uh, yes-yes we did. Sex does hurt your first time but it starts to feel good. It's okay to talk about that, but your still to young. You feel better now?" I nodded,

"Definitely! But I'm super tired so I'm going to go to sleep, good night!" I hugged Demi, and she hugged me back. "Good night darling." And with that I fell asleep.


I woke up the next day super excited because today I was meeting my sister Harper! Also today was going to be such a good day, I mean everyday is good. I start to giggle at myself and I go to pick out my outfit.

It's Just Hallie | Daughter of Demi Lovato |Where stories live. Discover now