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{ Demi pov }

I went to my daughters school that was still going on and I was fuming with anger. I walked in and teenagers stopped and looked at me in 'awe' I had the 'resting bitch face' as Hallie calls it face on and no one dared to come up to me.

"Where's the principal?" I roared, the attendant pointed to where Mrs. Fuller and her daughter and some other parent were. "Ah Mrs. Lovato-" the principal smiled but I cut him off. "No listen, I'm here to get my daughter of off suspension." I spat, then Mrs. Fuller stood up, "Hallie deserves suspension!" She looked at me, and I smirked and got closer to her.

"My daughter, does not deserve suspension you know why? She was standing up for herself because your daughter and her friends have been bullying her for a month now. Now I have tried hard to help my daughter and not let the public know she was raped, by YOUR son. But your loud mouth of a daughter has made that public, it's all over the internet those damn posters your kid made. Then she blames my other daughter death on her? Who fucking does that!?" I yelled, Mrs. Fuller took a step back and swallowed hard.

"Mrs. Lovato-"

I didn't even let him finish, "No- don't Mrs. Lovato me your students held posters up harassing my daughter and no fucking teacher put a stop to it? My kid was bullied everyday for a month and no one saw or heard anything, and since I have to deal with y'alls dumbasses I'm missing important meeting and an interview with Ellen which makes me look bad. I will in fact be suing you Mrs. Fuller because you and your family signed a contract saying everything that happened will not be released to the public, but thanks to your daughter it is." I spat coldly and just annoyed.

"I-I- um, Hallie suspension will be revoked and won't be on her record, she can have a free day tomorrow and return on Thursday." The principal stuttered. I nodded and smiled, "thank you now if you don't mind I have to get to Ellen." I pushed pass Mrs. Fuller who looked beyond mad and scared. I rolled my eyes and left that god forsaken school.

{ hallie }

It's been hours since I saw Demi, she came home and has been In her room, she didn't even tell me where she went. I think this is affecting her more than it is me. She was bullied when she was younger and she left school, but I don't care so what they don't like me and they want to make fun go ahead. Then I felt painful cramps hit me with a mix of a head ache I have from being beat up.

I also have a black eye and bruises all over me, they choked me so I have them on my neck. I stood up getting a dizzy so I shook my head. I walked into Demi's door and knocked on it. "Come in." I heard, I opened the door and Demi was laying on her bed on her phone. "Um, do we have any Advil?" I asked, Demi looked at me and sighed. She sat up and went into her bathroom and came back with two pills and a glass of water. I took the medicine and began to walk away, "not so fast, you and me need to have a conversation."

I then began walking slower but continued to walk out. "That's not what I meant, get over here." I rolled my eyes and walked to her bed. We both sat on it,

"Okay, no leaving the conversation until I say so. No yelling, eye rolling, backtalk, I want the truth and only the truth." Demi said coldly. "Fine,"

She moved awkwardly to get comfortable, "first off, I got your suspension revoked and after this semester you will not attend the school."

My eye shot open "No! You can't do that!" I yelled, her eyes widened, "sorry- but I want to stay at that school I'm not that person who runs away from their problems. Unlike you I can take the bullying but do not pull me from that school." I demanded, "I'll think about it."

"Next, why weed and cocaine? You know what it did to me so why would you? You can talk to me and your father." She said calmly.

"That the thing, I couldn't talk to you. I had ran away- then I tried weed and I love it. The way it makes me feel and just everything is easier. Then I started going to party's everyday getting as drunk as possible and someone had cocaine so I snorted some and I hated it but it turned into addiction I couldn't stop and I needed some every hour. The longest I went without it was the plane ride and the weed I brought with me on the plane ride and I just bribed the airport security and they let me take it. I wanted to talk to you I swear but it just never seemed like a good time. Then Harper died and you stopped coming home and then dad left for his tour and I was alone."

I said trying not to blame it on her, "I promised Harper I would get better. But I didn't want to get better I didn't think I had a problem. But I realized I did when the last thing me and Harper did was smoke weed. She was smoking it while I was snorting cocaine, I'm sorry Mom." I just started bawling and she picked me up and set me on her lap and rocked me.

She let me calm down before speaking, "Okay listen. Baby girl, your heading down a dangerous path and it's not going to be easy. I'm going to have to get you help because I can't just help you. A few words isn't going to help. Just stopping snorting cocaine is going to be hard on your body. When was the last time you snorted?" She asked.

I wiped my tears "a few hours ago." My voice broke, "it was before I threw it at you."

"Okay, so your going to detox it will not be pretty and won't be easy. But I will help you okay? I love you baby."

"I l-love you mom." By this point both of us were crying. "Have -have you self harmed?" She asked. I shook my head 'no' "okay, good." She wrapped her arms around me and laid me down next to her.


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