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{ No one pov }

Harper was in surgery, and the uneasy parents were sobbing and Hallie was just in shock, Hallie had passed out in the ambulance ride. Since Hallie told Demi Harper had been hit by a car on a livestream, paparazzi and fans had found the hospital they were at and they sat outside. They brought flowers, cards and stuffed animals. Demi and Guilherme had Max collect the stuff.

"I'm going to go outside." Hallie spoke as she felt like she was suffocating in the hospital. The grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins were all on there way. Demi wanted to sue the shit and have the person who did this in jail, but she wanted to hear what happened first so the police are collecting their statements and going to let them talk. Hallie walked out the front doors were hundreds of fans and paparazzi sat, instead of freaking out the stayed silent and a boy stood up.

"Hallie, we are fans but we wanted you to know we are family and here for you. 'prayforharper' is trending number 1 and 'prayforthelovtaos' is trending number 2, we are here for you and your family." The teenage boy smiled softly. "Thank you so much." Hallie smiled wiping her tears, "if you ever want to talk just know I won't say anything too anybody and I understand because I lost my mom a few months ago. She was hit by a car when she crossed the street, she didn't make it but she is safe watching over me." The boy genuinely smiled, "My name is Jace, Jace Butler." (REFERENCE TO ANOTHER BOOK I WRTOE BUT DELETES LMAO IF YOU READ JACE I LOVE YOU)

"Thanks Jace, I'm so sorry about your mom. I'll definitely keep you in mind." Hallie spoke as she took the card from him. "My number is on there and you can call me so everything stays between us." The boy smiled, Hallie shared a hug with him. Hallie then turned around and walked back inside to her mother and father. Demi felt completely broken, if she loses her daughter she will go crazy. Guilhermes parents are on their way from Brazil and he is scared, his youngest daughter just back from rehab changing her life around. She didn't deserve this, well no one did.

There was no doubt they weren't scared shitless, the police entered the hospital with the lady that had hit Harper. They had taken her car to an auto shop to see if what the lady named Lucy said was true. That her car brakes stopped working. Which they did, so it wasn't Lucy's fault completely. But they didn't live on a hill so the car shouldn't have been going that fast anyways.

Demi shakily stood and met with the lady "You did this." She cried, "I-know- I know sorry won't fix this but I'm so so sorry. I was going too fast and then the brakes stopped working-" The lady cried, "If your family press charges, the police told me I'll be serving time to for manslaughter." The lady broke, Demi felt it in her heart that it wouldn't be right to send this lady to jail. Seeing as it wasn't her fault completely but she knew she would have to live with this guilt knowing she hit her daughter and potentially ruined her life and Demi's family life. The doctor said when she wakes up from the coma she's in, she most likely will have brain damage due to the amount of brain bleeds she has.

She will need to be taught everything again, from talking, to eating, to walking, everything. Demi didn't care about that. She just wanted her daughter in her arms.

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm not pressing charges no matter how much I want to. Sending you to jail will do no good, but the amount of guilt you'll have to live with is worse than Jail. I just hope you never have to feel this pain I feel." Demi spat on the verge of tears, "Just know that your lucky the hospital said she will survive, it's going to be a long recovery but it doesn't matter because she will be alive." Demi said letting those tears go.

With that Demi left Lucy and went to her husband.


Hallies eye shot open at the sound of ear piercing screams from no other than her mother, she looked around and saw Guilherme trying to comfort Demi and she sobbed. "You bring her back!" Demi yelled, "you said she was going to live!"

The doctor said something she couldn't hear because Hallie was trying to not faint. Harper was dead, the hospital lied to them. She walked to her family and Demi just grabbed her in a death defying hug. "We tried everything we could, you can see her if you would like." The Doctor said with sympathy, "yes of course I want to see her!" Demi snapped,

The doctor of course understood, "come on Hallie." Guilherme grabbed his daughter and picked her up. "She's dead daddy?" She cried holding his neck. She felt him nod, they walked into the room the had her in, "We cleaned her up, and still stitched up the wounds, They won't heal.." the doctor spoke softly, "get him out!" Demi yelled sobbing as her eyes looked at her youngest daughter. The nurses got the doctor out and they left as well.

"My baby girl." Demi cried holding her hand, Guilherme kissed her forehead and laid his hand on the top of her head. "I'm so sorry baby girl."

Demi's shrieks could be heard throughout the whole hospital, but no one judged her. They simply felt horrible. A mother just lost her youngest daughter, definitely didn't feel real.

To Hallie she didn't want to believe it, 5 hours ago they had smoked weed and then played basket ball. Hallie never imagined that she would be in this position. Her last words "I'll get it!" A happy girl named Harper smiled.

They knew from this moment on, there happy family was no longer going to be the same. There is going to be broken hearts for a long time, empty spots at the dinner table, empty spots at thanksgiving dinner, Christmas dinner, there wouldn't be two girls walking downstairs only one. The parents wouldn't get to see their youngest daughter graduate, or get married. Harper Devonne Lovato died.

Hallie could never get the image of her sister being hit, the sound it made when the car collided with her body. The screams that fell from Harpers mouth as she was dragged down the street. Seeing her body being crushed as the car ran over her, that was never going to leave her mind.

25 minutes had passed and the family was needed to leave because they had to take Harper away to a funeral home. It was extremely hard for Demi and Guilherme to let them take her, but they needed to. They exited the room and there they were met with Demi's family and Wilmer, or as Hallie calls him Wanda. Hallies grudge against Wilmer just faded, everyone went to Demi and Guilherme but Hallie went to Wilmer. Wilmer picked up Hallie and held her, the young girl wrapped her arms around the mans neck, "Yo estaba tan asustada Wilmer, sus gritos no saldrán de mi cabeza!" (I was so scared Wilmer! Her cries will not come out of my head!) Hallie cried, she didn't care about language she was terrified and traumatized. He wrapped her arms around the girls back "Lo siento tanto" (im so sorry) Wilmer cried.

Wilmer knew Harper since she was baby. It was definitely also hard for him.

The family still didn't know that she had died, everyone was in tears, "Can we see her?" Dianna cried, Demi and Guilherme hugged, "Um, Harper didn't make it. She coded in the coma, they said it was because the amount of bleeds she had in her brain her body couldn't take it, they would fix them but then they would pop again and just continue to bleed." Guilherme explained, then the family just made a giant hug.


Don't shoot me! Ahh this is going to help the story line I promise! Like Hallies drug problem. I felt like this chapter was pretty good, I like writing like this, like no pov.

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