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{ Hallie }

A month, it's been a month of being alone because Demi is too busy with her new single 'Sorry Not Sorry' ( BUY THE SONG AND LETS MAKE IT # 1)

She's doing House party tour shit stuff, the bullying is getting worse, I get up and go to school all by myself and I'm in second block when I get called into the counselor. I take my slip and walk to the counselor,

"Hey Hallie come in, close the door please." I did as Mrs. Abby said and sat down, "so it's come to our attention kids have been being mean.." she trailed off, "listen, Mrs. Abby, I'm fine okay? Yes kids are being mean but I can take it. It doesn't bother me it isn't physical and I'm fine don't call my mom or dad okay." I asked trying to leave,

"Hallie, I'm here if you ever need to talk. I won't call your parents but you can't keep skipping class. If you skip class one more time I'll be forced to call your parents." She sighed, I grabbed my backpack "okay deal I'm not going to skip." I stood up and left,

I exited the building and I saw a group or girls and guys holding signs with my name, "Hallie is an attention whore!" "Hallie wasn't 'raped'"

Along the lines like that, I saw all the people surrounding and laughing and taking pictures. I could feel it all the feelings I'd been holding coming, anger and sadness, "you bitch!" I screamed at Taylor,

"This is going to go to the paparazzi!" I screamed, "GOOD! MAYBE YOUR FANS CAN SEE HOW MUCH OF A FAKE YOU ARE! YOU DID KILL YOUR SISTER!" Taylor screamed at me, that was it.

I lunged at her making us fall back on the concrete she definitely slammed her head. I punched her as hard as I could making her nose bleed, some of her friends picked me up off of her and held me back and threw me to the ground, I just felt pain everywhere. People were kicking and punching me until a teacher came "KNOCK IT OFF!" Everyone stopped and I stood up shakily, blood dripping down my face "Taylor! Hallie! Quinn! To my office right now!" The principal yelled, "fuck y'all!" I yelled I grabbed my backpack and ran home.


I ran inside and slammed the front door shut I screamed. I threw my backpack into the wall causing excruciating pain in my arms and stomach.

"Woah woah!" I heard Demi yell, she wasn't supposed to be home. I was sobbing and just panicking, "baby! What happened?" She ran to me and just hugged me and I pushed her off of me. "Hallie!" She yelled, "I-I need to be alone!" I then ran up to my room and slammed the door shut.

I didn't want to blow up at Demi and I needed to get myself situated, explain what happened and that I'm now going to have a suspension on my record which will prevent me from getting into a good college. "You got suspended!?" Demi roared coming up the stairs,

I shot up "it wasn't my fault! I promise-" I stumbled, "okay maybe I hit her first, but that's because she told the whole fucking school that I'm some kind of attention whore and I wanted To have sex with Jess and I got pregnant and freaked out and told them I was raped! Then she said that it was my fault Harper died! I hit her first then her friends just all ganged up on me!" I yelled, Demi looked stunned, "so they were bullying you!?"

I sighed and moved from my bed, "No- yes - I don't know, it doesn't bug me okay? I know that the truth and that's all that matters."

Demi rolled her eyes, "How long has this been going on for?" She asked. "I don't know- like a month.." I trailed off.. I could feel the tears starting to fall, "Why didn't you tell me? I could of put a stop to this! Before it got to you being suspended!" Demi yelled,

"Because! Your never fucking here anymore! Your life revolves around your music, and dad isn't here and neither is Harper, you put work before me and I hate it! I used to be able to tell you everything and now it's like you don't care and it hurts me! In this whole month you woke me up for school ONCE and that was yelling my name, first day of school you left me! It's too much." I snapped sobbing,

Demi put her hand on her head and sighed hard, "That's not true Hallie-" I cut her old before she could say anything.

"Yes it is Demetria!" I yelled, "you never fucking listen to me! I need help and your ignoring me because your too busy putting your fans before me!" I slammed my hand my my desk, "tell me! What do you need help with? Are you developing an eating disorder? Cutting yourself? Anxiety? Depression? What! I can't help you until you tell me and open up to me!" She yelled back throwing her hands out.

"Wow, I can't believe you just said that. Wanna know why I need help?" I cried, about to reveal my biggest secret.

"Yes!" She sighed angrily,

I picked up my mattress and grabbed my bag of cocaine and weed. "This is why! I've resorted to drugs because you've been to fucking ignorant to ask me how I've been!" I yelled throwing the stuff at her and she's just filled with sadness and regret.

"I can't go one fucking hour with out snorting and I smoke weed atleast 4 times a day, and in fact I'm high right now!" I the grabbed the bags out of her hand. "H-Hallie.."

"Just leave mom, I need to sleep." I sighed and she didn't argue she left.

Then I heard the front door open and close and I sighed and fell asleep on my bed.


I wrote this chapter twice idk how to help Demi find out about Hallies issues so I just had Hallie tell Demi, what do you think is gonna happen and where do y'all think Demi went ??

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