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{ Hallie }

"Hallie want to come to my house and we can do the project?" Penny asked. "Sure, I'll have to ask my mom though." I answered and Bryan smiled at me. It was last period so I shot my mom a text an she replied with "Okay, I'll pick you up at 4 that's when I get off this photo shoot."

"Sounds good thanks mom!"

I turned off my phone "yeah, my mom said it was okay, but she will have to get me at 4."

Penny nodded, "I live in an apartment it's not the nicest." She whispered, "I don't care. I wont judge." I smiled, so apparently Penny and Bryan are bestfriends. Then the bell rang "let's get to my bus before we run in Quinn or Bailey." Penny begged, "why are you scared of them?" I asked as Penny grabbed my arm. "Because they run the school!" Bryan answered. I let out a subtle laugh, "no they don't. If they try anything with y'all I got you."

We walked to the bus and they didn't show but we got on and it took off. 5 minutes later we pulled up to an apartment complex and it definitely wasn't the nicest. "Thank you." I smiled to the bus driver, Penny began getting out a key, "its right over here." We walked to a building that had three story's, each story had two doors. We went all the way to the top floor and she opened the door.

"This is my home." Penny shrugged, it was really dirty. "Um, it's nice." I lied, "we can go in my room."

I nodded and me and Bryan followed to the back bedroom.. it was so small, but cleaner then the rest of the house. "Im so embarrassed to have Demi Lovatos daughter in my crap house." Penny chuckled, "I'm no different then anyone else Penny." I smiled, "well yeah, but your famous." Bryan pitched in. "Do you have the wifi password?" I asked. Penny nodded and took my phone and hooked it up.

"Let me add you on Snapchat." Bryan asked. I nodded and let him add me and then Penny. Penny then faced me and Bryan and took a selfie, I smiled and so did bryan. Not trying to be rude but I didn't ant to be here longer than I had to.

It's hot as hell in this house, dirty as heck and smelly . "I posted that to my story."

I shrugged "let's get started on this project, Penny do you have a computer?" I asked. She shook her head 'no' I softly scoffed. "Then how were we supposed to do the project?" I asked.

Penny stood up "I thought we could just hang out, post pictures."

"Yeah we should get to know eachother." Bryan smiled, "I don't have time for that Bryan! Did you invite me over just so you could say you were hanging out with 'Demi Lovatos daughter'? I'm busy and I don't fuck around when it comes to MY school work. We have two days to turn this in, today and tomorrow. I'm not going to do all of the work the day before it's due." I yelled unintentionally.

  "God." I sighed, I quickly gathered my stuff, "forget it. I'll do my part and if y'all don't do your part you'll be sorry." I growled. "Wow, what a bitch." She spat, "I wouldn't be talking miss I live in a shit apartment and I'm broke." Then I pulled out my phone and slammed her door shut and ran out of the apartment.

I dialed Demi's number and it rang.

Hallie: mom! Come get me right now!

Demi: why? Baby I'm at a photo shoot.

Hallie: I cannot wait 2 hours, you need to get me now!

Demi: fine, send me her address and I'll send aunt marissa to get you okay?

Hallie: yes thank you.

I sent her the address and Marissa came and got me. "God Penny is such a fucking bitch! She used me Marissa! She wanted me to come over so she could say she was hanging out with Demi Lovatos daughter!" I yelled.

"Woah, chill, your going to give yourself a heart attack or something." Marissa smiled causing me to laugh a little. "I'm sorry she just-I- who does that? Uses someone like that, like I'm a freaking object and not a person. It's horrible."

Marissa pulled up to my house "you okay baby? I know it's honestly the worst thing ever. People use me because I'm your moms bestfriend."

I looked her deep blue eyes "really? wow."

I leaned and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "Thanks for the ride, I gotta do this shitty project."

She returned the kiss "no problem call me if you need anything okay?"

I nodded and got out of the car.

To use someone is fucking horrible, that's never happened to me. But yet I feel guilty? Why do I feel guilty? I run up to my room and I pass by my mirror and these thoughts I have never thought of before came into to my mind.

"Fat girl aren't you?"

"Throw up, your disgusting."

"Or cut, either one works."


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Also I have two foster siblings so my house is busy asf rn !!

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