|07|The Volturi|

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|Chapter 07|The Volturi|


I hated him, I loathed him with every cell in my body. And now, I'm destinied to be with that monster for eternity? I'd rather die! On the way to Italy I didn't say a word, I tried to stay as far away from him as possible. He came towards me when I first walked over but I immediately continued walking straight past him, he went to follow after me but Marcus held him back to which he responded with a low growl but listened nonetheless and I was glad.

I stayed at the edge of the guard as he ran proudly and arrogantly at the front of the band of idiots, with both his brothers on either side of him, holding themselves in the same way he was, conveying a clear message to any onlookers that they were better than everyone, or at least that was their outlook on things, can't say I shared it. There was also some woman in a red cloak beside Caius. It must be his wife or something, I truly felt sorry for her. It must be horrible to be stuck in that castle, they probably lock her up in some kind of room and Caius only goes there when he wants sex. That's probably what my future is going to look like but I'll be damned if I go down without a fight.

Then a man that I recognised as Felix came up to me, as we ran "you must go over to Master Aro." he didn't bark it as an order but didn't ask politely either, it was more of a statement where there's no room for any arguments and that's that.

"I don't want to go anywhere near that vile man." I hissed at him well aware that Aro along with the whole guard could hear me but I couldn't care less.

Within a matter of seconds Aro appeared beside me, grabbing my arm and dragging me up to the top between himself and Marcus as I struggled but he was much stronger, his hold on my my arm tightening as a silent threat. He didn't let go of my arm as we ran on for a few minutes, I tried to twist it out of his hold.

"Get the fuck off me! let go!" I hissed at him.

Obviously, not tolerating my tone or wording he only squeezed my arm even harder and I gasped as the level of pain increased significantly this time, it was no longer a dull ache which I could ignore "Stop, you're hurting me" I admitted in a low whisper as a crack formed in my voice due to the pain, I curse at myself internally for allowing it to show. I could feel minuscule cracks forming on my skin.

Marcus than places his hand on Aro's "Aro, stop it, let the girl go." his voice was calm but stern.

Aro let go of my arm, his eyes wide as if he didn't believe what he just did. "Allsion, I'm sorry my dear, I-"  He tried to explain as he apologised, raising his hand to touch my cheek but I moved back out of his reach before he could make any contact whatsoever.

He sighed, frowning, I was certain the glare I was sending him was enough of a message so words weren't needed on my side and it worked, he didn't try to approach me for the rest of the journey as I went back to the edge of the guard but I would feel his eyes on me, watching, as he glanced back at me every few minutes but each time I refused to allow eye contact.

When we were nearing Volturra he called me over, "Allison, come over here" he demanded, his voice not aggressive but stern.

I rolled my eyes, it was clearly no use disobeying about something so stupid, he'd come over and drag me to him anyway so instead I joined him at the front, making sure to leave space between us, I was closer to Marcus than I was to him but I didn't feel any threat coming from the depressed ancient "What." I snapped at him.

I could see he was holding in his anger. "We are nearing Volturra." He announced to me as if i didn't already know that.

"I know. I'm not THAT stupid." I snapped at him again and then went back to the back and edge of the guard, I thought I heard his teeth grind against each other but I could've been imagining things.

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