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|Chapter 20|Rage|

I felt relaxed after my latest lunch consisting of 7 humans, it's more than usual but I guess that's because I'm jet lagged and haven't fed since I was in Forks before I was cruelly forced unconscious and flown here. Not wanting to hang around Volterra long I started walking towards the nearest forest so I could run without being noticed but unfortunately I wasn't so lucky.

At that very moment I got tackled to the ground and pinned to the forest floor. My arms being held above my head. I looked up to see Aro. I didn't know whether to growl in frustration or moan in pleasure. He was here, close to me, finally but I wanted to get away and he caught me again.

"Allison you weren't trying to run away were you?" He asked sweetly.

"Of course I was, get the fuck off!" I hissed.

His eyes turned black with fury "I'm done being nice sweetheart" he growled into my ear before ordering "Alec"

I didn't even notice he was standing there along with Demetri until thick black smoke emerged from his palms and submerged me into nothingness.


Regaining my senses I could already feel the anger rolling off my in waves, how dare he. I once again in Aro's room . Aro was the only one present, stood at the end of the bed gazing down on me. I lunged at him But was quickly caught and pinned to the ground. His years of experience easily defeated my rash actions influenced by rage.

"Fuck you" I spat at him.

"Now, now darling, play nice" he whispered into my ear. Which only caused me to snap my teeth at him. "Awww don't you miss me" he hissed.

Grinding my teeth I shook my head, giving him my darkest glare. He only tutted and chuckled.

"Well then, I'll make sure you soon will." He laughed darkly and quickly left.

Not having a chance to think before Felix and Demetri came in and grabbed me as I growled. Alec came in next with thick chains. I started trying to escape more violently.

"Sorry Lady Allison" Demetri whispered as he tightened his grip and they all continued to chain my arms to the head board of the bed.

I was left there for the rest of the day, I fell asleep easily since I was still jet lagged. In the morning I was still alone, and I remained like that till the evening. It truly got boring but I wouldn't let him win. Late in the night when I was already dozing off in came Aro. I was suddenly fully awake, not ready to let my guard down. He undid the chain on one of my wrists. Not making any movement to undo the other.

"How was your day my sweet?" He asked with one of his sickly sweet tones.

Suddenly an idea popped into my head, if he wants me to miss him so much and he'll only allow himself in to this room than I'll make him miss me first, my voice. After staying silent for a full minute with him gazing at me still expecting an answer.

He tutted and frowned " the silently treatment darling? What's not going to work" he chuckled, shaking his head.

We'll see I silently thought to myself.


His next visit was two days later, than another two days after that. Then he started coming every day and after a while he's been gradually coming more often. He only fed me when he came in, a glass of blood whenever he came in. The more often he came in the more blood I received which pleases me intensely. It was just proof that My tactics are working, that he's getting weaker, he comes in many times, angry as if trying to see if that'll have any effect. Sometimes he comes in lustful and others just being nice and sweet. Nothing works on me and nothing will.


Today Aro came in extra pissed off, once he entered he smashed a chair against the wall and flipped a table over making it hit the ceiling. He stormed over to me and my eyes widened, his eyes were so black, even the whites were black, he was extremely angry.

Grabbing my neck he chocked me slightly, unlike full vampires I did need oxygen. I clawed at his hand with my free one.

"Why would I need you?" He growled "why would I care since you won't submit, all you cause is trouble and anger me. Why would I deal with this when I could just kill you?" He continued as he squeezed my neck even tighter, dark spots began to appear in my vision. "If I can't have you, nobody will" he snarled, letting my neck go as I dropped, cradling my neck.

I truly started to fear for my life, this was Aro, I wouldn't put it past him to be selfish enough to kill me because he couldn't have me. I started sobbing, loudly. All the built up emotions suddenly overflowed. It was as if Aro was brought back to his senses. He unchained my second wrist and picked me up.

Placing me in his lap he hugged me tightly, nothing was said between us as I wrapped my arms around him tightly, burying my face in the crook of his neck as I was sobbing. I could feel him rubbing my back as he held me. I was just so scared, of Aro, for my life. I truly thought he was going to kill me at that moment and to be honest I'm quiet afraid of death.

"It's okay darling, you're safe, I'm sorry, I'll never hurt you" Aro kept repeating in a hushed voice as he rocked us back and forward.

I calmed down after a few minutes and pulled away from his neck to rub the tears away from my eyes. I sniffed, my head down, looking at his chest. Aro put his finger under my chin to pull it up to face his. I sniffed again and avoided his eyes.

"Look at me darling" he requested and I shyly brought my gaze up to meet his. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, chain you or come in so angry" he leaned forward and kissed my forehead which was a rather sweet gesture in my opinion.

I sniffed once more "I'm sorry too, the silent treatment was childish" I confessed.

"It's okay my sweet. Saying that nobody can have you if I can was childish too. I guess we're both quiet childish" Aro chuckled, shaking his head. I smiled too as he pulled me in for a hug again. 

I did miss him, now I realised, even though we weren't particularly on good terms back then, I missed how he smelled, his overly happy voice, big smile on his face and overall just Aro being Aro.

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