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|Chapter 14|Blood|


I sighed, I really shouldn't be doing this but I hate when he's hurt for unknown reasons to the world. I've been told that he's my mate so many times that maybe I'm starting to believe it and that's why I don't want him hurt. I can't fall for their lies just so they can use my power. I gazed into Aro's brilliant red eyes. Not trusting my voice I just nodded. The smile that quickly found its way onto Aro's face was bigger than ever. I smiled back, not being able to stop myself.

"Well then, shall we my love?" He got up off the bed and offered me his hand.

"I agreed to spending time with you, not believing in your lies about the matting bond." I said coldly and stood up by myself.

"My sweet, I assure you, they are not lies, you are my true mate and I am yours." He frowned.

"I can always still reject your offer, stop with the pet names and mating bond bullshit aro." I hissed out at him and walked to the door.

Aro didn't answer, only followed, we walked along many corridors, aro led us to a large door on the east wing of the castle. He pushed it opened to reveal the beautiful dusk in the Volturi gardens. I gasped in astonishment from the view. The yellow and orange mix of colours above many beautiful trees and flowers, was amazing.

I unconsciously walked to the middle of the garden where we sat on a blanket. Aro offered me a glass with red liquid in it. Taking one himself he took a sip out of it. I brought the glass up to my nose and smelled....

Human blood.

I immediately placed the glass down, "Aro, that's human blood." I stated the obvious.

"Yes, I know." He said calmly and picked the glass up again, bringing it to my lips, "Drink" he commanded.

I reacted quickly, slapping the glass out of his hand before it could reach my lips, the glass shattered, spilling the red liquid all over both of us. I quickly got up off the blanket "Are you Insane! You know I don't drink Human Blood!" I screamed at him.

He pinned me up against a nearby tree, holding my hands above my head. "Do. Not. Raise your voice at me. You will have to start drinking human blood when we marry so you might as well gt used to it now." He growled at me, nipping my neck gently with his teeth. Drawing some blood to the surface as he licked it.

I let out a moan, it felt so good, being a half vampire causes the fact that I have blood. "Mhh... Aro...... Aro stop..." he started sucking on the small wound, making me weaker by the second. I moaned again, in pain and pleasure.

Aro leaned back from me a bit, his eyes were the darkest shade of black I've ever seen, I screamed, my eyes wide. My scream didn't seem to faze Aro, he only smirked, licking his lips.

Suddenly aro was off me, caius pushed him off along with felix and Alec. All four in a crouch, growling at each other. Marcus was beside me. My blood leaking down my throat. Marcus placed his hand on my neck and smelled the blood, his nose scrunching up in disgust but his eyes wider in realisation.

"She's My Mate! Mine!" Aro roared at caius and the two guards, throwing himself at them.

They pushed him back and the battle began. Caius jumped onto Aro who bit his shoulder, caius let out a hiss of pain as he kept aro down. The two guards, hesitant to attack their king. Aro rolled over, causing caius to fall off him but caius quickly grabbed his arms, not letting him get away he spun him around, into the garden stone wall, making it crumble into single bricks. Aro's arm was still in Caius's hand, unattached from Aro's Body. I gasped, I felt like someone painfully poked my heart.

Aro crawled out of the pile of bricks, dust all over him as he ran at caius again, hitting him square in the jaw with his fist.

"Alec!" Marcus snapped but in a bored tone, it sounded weird. "Take away his senses" he ordered.

Alec put his hands in front of him, his palms facing the two fighting kings. Black mist started approaching them. Caius pushed aro towards the mist and stepped back himself. The mist surrounds aro as he looks around, eyes opened but not seeing.

Marcus took my arm and dragged me back up to the castle. He led me to a room which looked like a kitchen where a woman was standing over the stove, stirring something. Once she heard us enter she bowed down low and greeted Marcus with a nod and a whispered 'Master'

"Amelia, take care of Lady Allison's wound." Marcus ordered and left.

Amelia didn't speak much, she worked away silently always respectful when she needed me to turn my head one way or another or do something. I Thanked her when she was done and left. Curious about what happened to kings. Is Aro alright? WillCaius loose his arm forever?

I wandered around the castle not really knowing where I was until I heard painful hissing and low growls. Intrigued I followed the noise and ended up in a large white room with that seemed like hospital beds lining the walls. Caius was on one of the beds he's arm was attached to his body but many deep cracks were to be been as he hissed in pain.

My eyes widened, walking over I asked concerned, "Caius! Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?" He snarled at me which made me take a step back. He sighed "I need to wait for my arm to reattach and then I'll deal with aro."

"Thank you by the way, for practically saving me from being sucked dry" I said awkwardly

Caius only grunted in return "I don't understand why he'd want to, you're blood smells and I'm sure tastes vile"

I wasn't sure if I was to be offended or not so I stayed silent.

"Aro is in his chambers go talk to him" Caius suddenly ordered, giving me a stern look when I opened my mouth to begin to argue.

Sulking I walked to Aro's chambers. I didn't want to talk to him, I was tired of him? of all of this. I don't even know what to think.... why would he do that? He's hurt me the whole time ever since I arrived. I just want my family, my parents, Nessie. I didn't want to be here.

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