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Chapter Done by BranMC

Chapter 6

Brad’s POV

Ugh I can’t believe I drunk that much again! I swear I need to stop this. I looked over to see that Tye was asleep but Lydia was nowhere to be found. Suddenly I remember her sending us a text that she was going to spend the night at Mr. West’s house. I wasn’t an idiot so I knew that only meant that they had hooked up or at least something like that. ‘Wish I had her courage.’  

“Ugh my head.” I looked down and saw Tye slowly getting up. It had just come to me that had fallen asleep in the living room of Lydia’s house.

“I know girl me too.” I yawned.

“Where’s Lydia?” She asked. I gave her my phone with the message clearly on the screen. “Oh yeah she did send that.”

“You think they actually hooked up?”

“No girl just spends the night over a guy she likes’ house without doing something.”

I nodded in understanding. “Yo I hope she knows what she’s doing.”

“Knowing Ly she probably doesn’t.” We both chuckled. Suddenly the memories of this week had come back to me and a heavy feeling fell on my heart. Tye must have noticed because she was suddenly sitting next to me with a concern look on her face.

“Brad, are you okay?” She asked.

“Um yeah I um…..” I stood up and walked into the bathroom with my head filled with unwanted thoughts. I had hoped that I could tell them tonight but with the whole Mr. West situation and all, it didn’t seem like much of a wise decision. Besides it’s not like telling them was going to do anything. It wouldn’t change my situation nor would it help it in any way. I was basically stuck on my own. When I came out I saw that Tye was sitting in the living with a serious look on her face.

“Brad I’m not dumb I know something is wrong. “ She said to me. “Now you can either tell me now or later but you goanna tell me.”

I wanted to protest and say that I’m not hiding anything but hiding something from Tye is like trying to hide a pet dog from your parents, they’d find out eventually.

“I-I um…..” I didn’t know why but I started to fell tears threaten to break out of my eyes. “I-I’m not really living at um home anymore…..” I didn’t want to look at my friend’s eyes but I could hear the pure shock in her voice. Suddenly I heard the door open and saw Lydia walking with Mr. West by her side. I stared at their hands that were connected and knew that they finally become a couple. ‘That was fast.’

“Hey guys I-.” Lydia stopped and saw Tye staring at me with tears about to come out of her eyes and then back at me.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

“Brad was kicked out of his house.” It was one thing to live with the fact that I was kicked out but to hear it was something a whole lot more painful.

“WHAT?!!!” She shouted. “What the hell do you mean you were kicked out?!”  I tried hard to control my emotions and was thankful that years of practicing did not go in vain.

“Well um….my mother went through my phone and asked me about our text conversations and well I tried to think of an excuse but she wouldn’t believe any of them….and um….well she and basically everyone in my house just threw me out.” It hurt. It hurt seeing that even my own family wanted nothing to do with me. That just because of one little thing about myself, they wouldn’t want anything to do with me. “I-I’ve been staying at a motel for about a week now and um….” It couldn’t control my emotions anymore and started letting my feelings out. I was tired of holding them in. I just wanted to break something. I just wanted to become numb so I didn’t have to feel this anymore. This pain of being completely abandoned by my family, are they even my family anymore?

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