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Chater done  by BranMc 

Chapter 12

Brad’s POV

I should get in a car accident more often. Because if almost dying gives you this kind of treatment, then bring it on! For the past week Lydia and I have been waited on hand and foot by Mr. West, or Chris when out of school, and Darnell. From back rubs to food, these men were treating us like royalty. I looked over and saw Darnell walking over to my bed with a magazine and a plate of cookies, lemon cookies by the way. I smiled and moved a little to give him some room.

“Hey Babe I know you like lemons sooooo…..” I giggled.

“You know me so well.” I took a cookie and placed in my mouth. I constantly tell him though that I can walk perfect fine but he insist on not letting me move a finger.

“Of course I do.” He chuckled, causing my smile to widen. He looked down at my sketch book beside me before grabbing it and opening it slowly. He gazed at the first picture at my book in awe. “Is that me?” I blushed, now realizing that he has my book and nodded slowly. It was a while ago drawing that I drew from memory….I’m not a stalker. “Wow it’s really good!”

“R-Really?” I blushed even harder.

He turned to me and smiled. My mind swooned as he pecked my lips. “Really….” Ugh if only we could be like this in public but Darnell wouldn’t feel comfortable going around with a boyfriend without telling his parents. It doesn’t really matter to me since my family already knows so I’m just waiting for him to be ready. I know it must be hard and I know that he’ll do it eventually…besides its kind of hot being a little secret. 

I moved into his arm and let him it around my shoulder. ‘This is comfortable….’  I smiled into his chest. Dear God he smelt nice! I subconsciously sighed, realizing it soon after.

“Enjoying yourself?” I nodded, not looking into his eyes.  I yawned and looked up at him.

“So what do you want to do anyway?” I asked.

“You’re not going anywhere.” He said in a serious tone. Ugh Sometimes I like this controlling side of him but other times it gets annoying.

“Oh come on I told you I’m fine!”

“I don’t care.” He pulled me closer. “I don’t feel like going anywhere anyway. I really just want to stay here with you.” I should be angry but hearing those words just gets to me.

“….Fine…..” I pouted childishly. I heard him chuckle and sighed. He just loves to see me bored doesn’t he? Then again the vibration of his chest was very soothing. It’s not hard but firm in a since. I could just hear his heart against my head, singing to me to sleep.

Suddenly the room was silent, which is surprising for me at least. I looked up again to see him staring off into the distance. ‘Man he looks sexy…..’  I thought to myself. He caught me staring and smirked, making me look somewhere else.

“You know Lydia and Chris are out for the day…..” He suddenly spoke. I had forgotten that Lydia and Chris took a trip to the Zoo, something that I do not understand. Why the hell would you want to be at a place that smells like elephant shit?! I’ll never understand that girl….they even dragged Tye along but left me behind by Darnell’s orders. I tried to protest but Darnell was not having any of it. What I don’t get is how come Lydia got the worst of this whole accident and I’m the one stuck in bed? This is some messed up shit! But I’m getting off topic. Why would he mention them being gone?

“Yeah….what’s your point?” He looked at me with a look I see in Chris’s eyes whenever he stares at Lydia for too long.

“Well I mean…we’ve been dating for almost a month and um….” He looked nervous; again something I never thought I would see in Darnell.

“Mhmmmm….” I for some reason felt my heart racing.

“I um….was wondering about you know….” No I DON’T know now enlighten me!! “….sexual things….” Now everything made sense….wait SEXUAL THINGS?!!!! Now I’m a very sexual person, or a wanna be hoe, but the whole concept of sex scares the living hell out of me! I mean  sex with Darnell is a dream but still….

“O-Oh um y-yeah….” Crap this is scary. You see to me two things could happen. One is a sure thing…it’ll hurt. I man having something being shoved up your rear end sounds scary as hell. Second…what if I’m not good? What if we do it and it wasn’t what he thought it would be? What if he doesn’t find me interesting anymore? Sex is a very powerful thing and it can make or break a whole relationship in one night. The last thing I want is to lose Darnell….I never want to lose him. 

“I don’t wanna pressure you or anything but I was um just wondering about it.” Ugh why do people say that don’t wanna pressure you?! That doesn’t help shit!

“The conversation was bound to come up I guess….so um what do you want to ask?” the room was silent before he decided to speak again.

“Have you ever-.”

“Nope! I um….” Now here comes the embaressing part. “I was um hoping that um….you’d be my first…..” I could see the shock in his eyes.


I nodded. Ugh I have thought about this moment for many….many….MANY nights and to be living it right now was like a dream come true. “I really like you and I want you to have me….someday.”

“Someday?” I giggled at the disappointed sound in his voice.

“Don’t tell anyone this but sex scares me! And I don’t think I’m ready to clip my wings away if you know what I mean.”

“You’ll always be an angel to me.” I tried hard to not attack him right there.

“Stop being corny!” I playfully punched his chest. “I want to lose my virginity with you and I will just…I need some more time.”

“I understand.” He said that now but I can clearly see from the large bulge in his pants that he’s pissed on the inside. It’s funny I didn’t notice it tell now and now I can’t stop staring at it. “Just know that I’m ready whenever you are to….consummate our relationship.” Dear lord the way he said that sounded so sexy. I gave him a small kiss on the cheek before slowly pulling away.

“You know you’re really sexy.” I said while wrapping my arms around his waist.

“You’re sweet!”

 I rolled my eyes. “You know usually when someone says they’re sexy the other person responds with a compliment.”

“You already know how I feel about you.” He muttered in my ear. My body was hot but I controlled myself and laid my head back on his chest.

“Stop doing that…” He chuckled and sighed.

“So innocent when you want to be.”

I nodded. “I’m a motha-fucking angel!” I muttered in his chest.

“Not with that mouth.”

“You know you love it.” I popped my head up and kissed him on the cheek.

I awoke to find something hard on top of me. I looked up and saw Darnell fast asleep with his arms wrapped around me. Dear God his body was so warm. Matters didn’t seem better seeing that his crotch was right in front of mine. ‘And he’s big too…..I’m scarred as hell now.’ But the last thing I want to do is move from this spot. Not just because I’m lying underneath him with his manly member pressing against my own. But….I just felt so safe in his arms. Like nothing could ever hurt me. I just…I don’t know what love is but maybe it must feel something like this.

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