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Chapter 14

Brad’s POV

“Girl no!!!” I shouted as Lydia sat there with a blush on her face. It was about an hour before her date with Chris and she of course decided to call Tye and me to help her get straight sexy for it. Though I had no idea that she was going to tell us that she was thinking about telling Chris that she was ready to make the ultimate move in their relationship and give away her flower if you know what I mean. Okay so it’s one thing for her to date her teacher but to have sex with him as well….that’s a little scary.

“What? I love him and I know he loves me so I mean what’s the problem?”

“Girl I can tell you a lot of problems.” Tye said while doing Lydia’s hair. “What if it gets around school that you sleeping with the teacher?”

Lydia thought for a moment. “I’m willing to handle the rumors.” She said in a serious tone. “I’m not afraid about what people think of me. I don’t care if they think I’m a slut or whatever, as long as I’m with him…I can deal with anything.” Tye and I both glanced at each other. “It’s just…I can’t imagine my life without him. I don’t want to be with anyone else, I can’t even think about anyone else. All I see, all I want to know is him.” I stared at Lydia before giving her a small smile.

“Dear Lord Ly you sound so old.” I laughed with Tye joining me. I slowly stopped smiling at sat down next to her. “I just don’t want you to get hurt you know.”

“Yeah girl, I mean I know you love him but sex changes everything. The way you feel around him, the way he feels around you, all that gonna change.” I still don’t get how Tye can be so playful one minute then like the wisest person I know the next, kind of makes me admire her in a since. I know that dealing with both our dramas can be a hand full but she takes it with such grace; makes me glad to have a friend like her.

“I know that…and that’s sort of the reason why I’ve waited as long as I have. But I can’t hold onto that fear forever. I’m willing to take that risk for him.”

“Girl if you truly want to do this then I’m fine with it.”

“Same here girl, we got your back no matter what.” I grinned. Lydia gave us her smile before staring at the time.

“Oh snap he should be here soon!” We both stood up and started to walk to the door. I stared at Lydia for one more moment before sighing. ‘This girl is gonna be the death of me….’

Later on Tye and I were watching Lydia get into Chris’s car before turning into her kitchen to discuss the night’s events

“I can’t believe she’s actually gonna lose her virginity to him.” Tye said while sitting down with a bottle of soda in her hand. I nodded before doing the same thing.

“I just hope that this doesn’t spread at school or anything. People are so damn ignorant you know?” Tye nodded.

“Well look on the bright side of this.” I smiled. “At least we know that she’s doing it with someone she loves and not some random dude at some club.”

“Yeah, I can tell that Chris really loves her too and wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.” Tye crossed her arms. “But that don’t change nothing. I still don’t want her to just give it away. I mean she’s only known him for a few months. I don’t care how in love you are that ain’t long enough to be sleeping with him.”

“Well love is a strange, bizarre thing. I don’t understand shit about it but sometimes you just know that you want to be with this person and that you want to give them everything….including your innocence….” Tye gave me a knowing look before smirking.

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