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done by Lulusmurf

Chapter 11


             I hate not being able to walk I hate this freaking cast on my leg and arm. The worst part is for the past three minutes I had an itch on my right foot but you know I cant itch it because of this damn thing. “You okay baby?”

“No I got an itch on my foot and because of this damn cast I can’t scratch it.”

“Awe it okay babe here ill distract you.” He said

“How ar- 

I got interrupted by his lips man do I miss him I went to rap my arms around his neck but I cant even do that ugh I really hate how I cant do what I’m used to doing.

I like helping myself I like doing things on my own I cant even do that and let me tell you I refuse to use that damn hospital gown. When I woke up the first people I talked to were my parents we had a long conversation about Chris. At first my dad was up set but then he saw the way I look at Chris and I told my dad “look dad I love you and ill always be a daddy’s girl but I love this man so freaking much it hurts.”      His reply was “how can you love someone you just met” “ Dad you cant put time on love when you find the one its love at first sight, and before you say your to young to know what love means or that he’s the one but daddy I can see myself in the future with him. Were so alike its not even funny.”

“Baby girl if he makes you this happy them I’m okay with it besides we tried many times to get him to go home and leave your side but he just wouldn’t budge you got yourself a great man and I approve.” He said

            “Really daddy.”

“Really baby girl okay your mother and I have to go away for the month for work do you think you can stay with Brad?”

“Well you see Brad kind of got kicked out I his house.” I said trailing off

“WHAT.” My mother nearly screamed

“Yea lets just say his family found out what team he played for and they didn’t approve and pretty much dis owned him.” I said trying hold back my angry tears every time I think about that it just pisses me off his family was so sweet but Brads right looks are dissaving.

“Well where is he staying.” My father asked

I smiled and looked at Chris   “Chris took him in and I spent my own money and bought brad everything he needed from bedroom furniture to clothes and decorations. Y’all know he’s like my twin I can’t let him just sleep on the floor or something.” I said

“ Well I can’t believe I am saying this but you can stay with them if it’s okay with Chris and don’t worry about em she’s going to be with your grandparents.” Said my dad

“Really dad.”

“Yup see you in April darling and please be safe we love you.” My father said

“Love y’all to wait does this mean I can get a new car.” I ask with hope full in my voice

“Ly that car was brand new.” My mother said laughing

“Yea but now is um ruined so.” I asked again.

“Yea but you have to wait till April and we will go shopping together for it.” My father said kissing my head


After they left that day Brad insisted they move him into my room I threated to beat his as if he keeps blaming himself its not his fault. Thank god we can leave tomorrow but poor Chris has two teenagers to take care of. I think he’s secretly excited that he will get to help me shower and dress because of my broken leg.

“Babe did you even hear me.” Chris asked pulling me out of my thoughts

“sorry honey I was thinking what were you saying.” I asked

“I said I’m going to have to carry you upstairs when we get home today but I’m going to keep your wheel chair down stairs. Tye said she is going to push you around school and you have me to help hold your paper while you right.”  He said.

“Kay babe but do you know when there letting us leave because I’m tired.” I asked

“Um now come on lets go get brad.” He said

            We walked into the room well I didn’t walk but you knew that already. To find Brad and Darnell making out. I couldn’t help but giggle. The both broke apart and blushed all they’re so cute. “ Brad the doctors releasing y’all now and Ly is coming to stay with us while her parents are gone for the month and Darnell if you want to come over you can.” Chris said

            Once we got home Chris carried me upstairs and put me right in bed since I didn’t have any cloths he but he in a pair of his boxers and a shirt I decided to call Tye and see of she could pack my things and bring them over. Being the loving friend she is she agreed. I was really tired but I am also hungry and let me tell you hospital food SUCKS I want some mmm what do I want. “Baby I hungry.” I say

             “what would you like love?” he said “well I don’t know if I want your cooking or pizza.” I say “well then why don’t I put the Smurfs on for you while I make home made pizza there for you can have both my cooking and pizza.” He says “mmm sounds good to me babe and when Tye gets here can you send her up and brad I need friend time maybe you and Darnell can bond.” I said “ sure baby what ever you like.”

            I was half way through the smurfs when my besties bust threw the door with my things “ Ly where do you want this.” They ask. “ Y’all can just put them there I’ll have Chris deal with them but Tye did you get my Blue nail polish by any chance?”

I ask “ How did I know you were going to ask for that yes I did doll face would you like me to paint them for you?” she ask

“um duh any thing to make me more smurf like.” My two best friends just giggle at me. “Ly your so damn weird I don’t know why you want to be a smurf.” Brad says

“Really brad come on smurfs are amazing, sexy and Blue why wouldn’t I want to be a smurf?”

“Guys don’t start arguing please and Ly stay still im almost done.” Tye says

and hour later Chris comes in with pizza for me “ there’s come more on the kitchen table go help your self’s.” he tells my best friends

I dug into my pizza and man was it good I look at Chris to see him putting my stuff away. “Babe why don’t you eat first and do that later.” I ask

“ I already ate down stairs baby and I want to get this done so I can just climb in bed and relax with you.”  He says. “ Awe I love you.”

“I love you to.” He says “hey babe there’s a storm going on you know what that means?” I ask “ let me guess it means you want to watch a scary movie?” he ask

“ how’d you know.” I say “ lucky guess so witch one you want to watch.” He ask

“ how about saw 5” I say “you’re a weirdo.” He says “ yea but I’m your weirdo.”

“ yes my very sexy weirdo who I love every much.” He said “I love you to now Shut up and kiss me already.”

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