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Chapter  16

Brad’s POV

Ugh Why am I always late for shit?! I continued to argue with myself in my head as I continued to walk up Chris’s (well Chris and me and now Lydia’s) Steps. I quickly checked my clothes for a moment. I was wearing a dark blue shirt under a black jacket, black ripped jeans and black converses. I think I look pretty damn good for a guy who had to rush to get dressed. After Lydia left I told Darnell that I was going to Tye’s to help her with some homework. He had no other choice but to agree because even though I forgave his jealous ass….home boy is still on lock down. Unfortunately It took longer than I thoughts, home girl ain’t tell me that it involved math, and I was running late with my double date with Lydia and Chris. I walked in however to see four other people besides the ones I had expected.

“Um is it somebody’s birthday?” I said while walking over to Darnell. I let him give me a small kiss on the cheek before turning to Lydia.

“Oh Brad this is Chris’s father, mother and brothers.” I saw the smiling couple and returned it kindly.

“It’s nice to meet you.” I said with politeness that I was raised with. My family may be crap but they at least taught me some good life lessons.

“Oh so polite!” Chris’s mother chimed. “And so handsome, I can see why this young man is so into you.” I blushed and glanced at Darnell who was blushing as well.

“Guys I’m hungry!!!” Lydia complained childishly. I sighed and crossed my arms.

“Girl, calm yourself.” I poked at her head. “I’m Hungry too! Let’s go and eat!”

We all decided to stop at pretty fancy looking restaurant. It was like one of those restaurants you see in like really nice perfume commercials. It was like every waiter was imported from France or something. I couldn’t help but feel a little under dressed. I felt Darnell slowly touch my hand and smiled at him.  It was weird that he would do something like kissing me on the cheek in front of people that neither of us know and was even holding my hand! Maybe this might be him trying to apologize or something but whatever it is I am NOT complaining. We secretly decided to let Lydia and Chris’s parents to get to know each other and sit at a different table. I turned to see Lydia staring at us with a confused looked before frowning at me while I smirked at her.

I turned to see a tall very handsome waiter smiling at us. He had to have just graduated from high school or something because he was too young to be working here. I could see that Darnell was not too happy to see this man smiling at me and sighed. ‘I swear he never learns.’  The waiter let us to a table near the band that was playing softly and cleared his throat.

“Hello My name is Jacob and I’m going to be your waiter for the evening.” You could tell that he was trying hard to control his accent but failing slowly. “May I ask what drinks you two would like?”

“Oh I’ll have lemonade.” I love lemonade almost as much as an alcoholic loves their liquor. Darnell smiled at me before facing the waiter.

“I’ll have the same.” Jacob nodded while writing the drinks down and walking away. I looked up at Darnell who had a thoughtful look on his face.

“Is something on your mind?”

“…How did you know you were gay?” I had definitely not seen this question coming. He couldn’t be actually thinking that he might not be….?

“Um….that’s a weird question but um I guess I kind of always knew but to tell you the truth. I was in the seventh grade I think. I had this teacher and he was like sooooo cute-.” I grinned at Darnell’s not amused face. “Don’t worry you’re way cuter! Anyways so yeah I always got this weird feeling and but it wasn’t until High school that I realized I didn’t really like girls. But um….I mean I have had crushes on you know other guys but….It’s when I saw you that I knew that the only person I wanted in the world was not a girl and not just a boy but….you….” It was weird how I felt about Darnell. I never thought that I would have fallen for Darnell of all people. But hey love is a strange thing and I am not going to question it. When I first saw him….it was like a fluttering feeling flew in my chest. Like some sort of force was pulling me towards him. I felt my hand touch his. “I knew from that moment that I loved you….that I only wanted to be with you…”

“Brad…” I now knew how Lydia felt. That feeling…that knowing that you don’t want anyone else. That you would do anything for the person in front of you. That feeling that she says she feels with Chris was the exact feeling that I feel when I’m with Darnell.   “I….I love you too. Ever since I saw you I knew that I loved you. It took me a while to realize it but when I did….I couldn’t control it. When I saw you with Lydia I was filled with jealousy. I wanted to be the only one to touch you, to hold you. And when I saw you with Andre I….I almost lost it. I mean I already almost lost you once I-.”

“Lost me once…? Are you talking about the accident?” Everything was slowly starting to make sense. He was scared…of losing me.

“Yeah I mean I know that Lydia got the worse out of it but still….what if you were killed? I don’t know what I would do if something like that would happen. I don’t…know what I’d do if I lost you…” I slowly started to massage his palm with my thumb.

“Darnell, there is no way in hell you are going to lose me!” I smiled at him. “Whether you like it or not you’re stuck with me.” He gave me a small smile.

“Trust me when I say this, I like it a lot.” Eventually the waiter had returned with our drinks and asked what we would like to eat. I had said that I would like a simple steak while Darnell asked for some French dish. The mood had become lighter as time went on. The food was taking its precious time cooking thus leaving a very hungry Brad. But hey at least this gives me a time to ask Darnell a very important question that has been on my mind for a while.

“So um….I was wondering um….” I had no idea how to do this. I mean Lydia made it seem so easy but I mean how awkward can this whole thing be.


“Weelllll I mean since you and I are um…. as um serious as we are I-I was um….” I took a deep breath. “I’m ready…to you know…” It took Darnell only a second to understand what I meant and couldn’t help the shock show on his face.

“You mean….?” I nodded slowly. “Are you sure Brad?” I could tell that he was happy as a clam and I guess that sort of help me through this.

“Yes Darnell. I want to give everything I have to you….” I slowly leaned over the table and kissed his lips. “…everything….” Darnell grinned at me.

“Okay then…” There it is; that feeling.

“So…now what do we do?” I had to know what to do next.

“Um I don’t know, I guess we just um wing it?” I guess that makes sense. To tell you the truth I’m still not sure if I’m ready to take this step but seeing that smile on Darnell’s face was enough for me to know that I’m making the right decision. Besides, this is the perfect what to show that he was the only guy I wanted.

“I wonder how Lydia is handling the whole meeting the parents thing?” I asked absent mindedly.

“I’m sure she’s doing fine.”

I smirked at him. “Bet your glad you don’t have to worry about that.” I had to admit that talking about my family was hard at first but I guess them doing that lead me to having the courage to being with Darnell.

Darnell gave me a thoughtful look. “So…you’re really not going to talk to them again?”

I shrugged at his question. I honestly had no desire to speak with them again. They kicked me out for a stupid reason, why would I want to talk with them again? “I’m not sure….Right now I’m just happy with the family I have now.”

Darnell smiled at me. “I’m glad.” He gave me a quick kiss. I smiled before glancing over to see Lydia and everyone laughing at Chris’s expense. ‘Hey serves the guy right for threatening my hair!’  I smirked. Now if only this food would come!

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