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done my branmc

Chapter 20

Brad’s POV

Anger, pure red burning anger was all I was feeling. I couldn’t believe that she would-that she was….UGH When Tye called me and told me that she might think that Lydia was pregnant I thought she was just being paranoid. Lydia would never do something as stupid as let herself get pregnant and Chris wouldn’t be dumb enough to have unprotected sex with her. I continue to tell myself that, even as I entered into that store and got those test. But when I found out that she was….I couldn’t help but be slightly disappointed at them. I mean…UGH this is so hard!! I mean I’m gonna be there for her, she’s like a sister to me. Just seeing her in so much fear and panic broke my heart. I knew she had a set plan for when she was going to have kids and this must really be frightening for her. But how could she just let this happen?! Why didn’t she get on the pill?! You can’t fully trust a guy when it comes to sex!! Yes Chris is a good guy and all but still!! And I swear if Chris decides to be a little bitch and run off, I’m chasing his ass down! I was so deep in thought it did not notice Tye walking back in her living room with a bowl of popcorn.

“Earth to Brad!” I jumped and stared at her with a scared expression on my face. “Yo I’ve been calling you for like a whole minute!”

“Oh Sorry girl just still in shock.” Tye nodded slowly.

“Yeah I know. Can you believe it?” She sat down next to me. “It’s just…wow.”

“Yeah, I hope she knows that I ain’t changing no diapers.” Kids and me do not mix. They hate me and I hate them, it’s a mutual hatred and I do not plan on ruining it.

“Mhmmm can’t be having no throw up stains on my shit!” We both smiled but only for a moment. “I just hope that Chris doesn’t bail out on her.” She frowned. “I can’t be having that.”

“Yeah, his baby, his problem.” We both now smirked. “But I don’t think he’ll do that, He doesn’t look like that much of an ass hole.” I stuck my tongue out. “Even though his ass continues to force me to run.”

“I thought you found a way out of that?”

“Well the whole I’m still healing thing doesn’t work anymore unfortunately.” I sighed. “What’s worse is that now he brings Lydia, though probably not anymore because of their situation, and their usually all lovey dovey while I’m dying in the background.” I frowned and looked away. ‘Annoying ass runners….’  I thought.

“Yeah I bet that’ll be annoying….” I nodded while trying to grab some popcorn but jumped when she slapped my hand.  “That ain’t for you!” I pouted.

“What the hell do you mean it ain’t for me?!”

“That’s for me and Dylan. He’s coming over to watch a movie.”

“Oh so you’re basically kicking me out.” I joked.

Tye flipped her long black hair and shrugged. “You told me that Darnell was picking yo ass up today.” Suddenly my heart was racing. Tye smiled and me. “Speaking of Darnell, you really gonna do it with him?”

“Doing it sounds so wrong.” I sighed. “I like ‘Giving myself to him’ a lot better.”

“Well, are you really going to give yourself to him?” I nodded slowly. “You scared?”

“I’ve never been more scared in my life…..” I said softly. “I love him…a lot. But I just don’t want anything to change between us. Sex changes things remembers….”

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