One (Not Alone)

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"(Y/N)! You're going to be late again"
You groan and turn over, burrowing deeper into your shelter of blankets. School was the last thing you wanted to do, especially after a rough night's sleep. Eventually dragging yourself out of bed, you head downstairs where your mother had prepared you a simple slice of toast.

Another stereotypical start to another stereotypical day. Every day was the same. Get up. School. Sleep. Life was a looping record that you couldn't seem to stop.

You walk down the same old track to school, fixing your skirt on your way. Your bag was light on your back, and your (F/C) headphones were fixed into place, the melody of your favourite song drifting into your ears. A smile spreads across your face, as you begin to quietly hum its lyrics, tapping two fingers to the beat.

The sun was well risen into the sky, and few clouds were to be seen. Maybe today there would be something different. Maybe today could change it all.


Your P.O.V

I arrive at school- just in the nick of time. Kaori was there to greet me.
"Thank god you're here! I thought I would have to walk to class alone again" she teased, lightly pushing me with her knuckles.
A stupid grin fell on my face.
"Hah, yeah. I had a bad nights sleep though"
"I'm not surprised. By the way, I have detention at lunch"
"Oh, why?"
"I'm not surprised" I fire back.
We both end up laughing, before walking to Maths class.


The teacher writes out a few equations on the board.
Quickly jotting this down, I solved it soon after.
"Can we have our answer? How about Mob?" The teacher looked down his nose at a small kid with a black bowl cut. His head snapped upwards.
"Uh... i-it's..."
"Too slow. How about Y/N?"
I inaudibly sigh and read out my answer
"X squared plus nine x, plus seven x, plus sixty-three"
"Good job, L/N!" The teacher smiled, and wrote out what I said.
The kid from earlier, Mob, looked at me with a blank expression. He noticed my gaze soon after, and turns away sheepishly.

The lessons dragged on until lunch where I parted with Kaori.

.•»3rd person P.O.V«•.

"Bye, Y/N! See you last period"
"Good luck. Hope you survive!" You laugh, waving. She ran off down the corridor.

You head through the hallway, when suddenly you get that feeling. The presence of both a spirit and a psychic stuck out like a sore thumb to you. Looking around, everything seemed to slow down. Your E/C eyes flicker about, mentally eliminating each person in the hall until you spot him.

It was the kid from math, standing there. His dull gaze meets yours and you realise.

You are not alone.

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