Ten (Sini's Glow)

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Master could be exhausting sometimes.

"Mob! How are ya, kiddo?"
"G-good thank you ma-"
"Good good! We have a few customers waiting here, d'you reckon you could make it to the office?"
"Actually, I-"
"Great! See you in a few minutes, Mob!"

Master was always good to me. He could be very helpful. But he's always asking and expecting the best!

He needs me, and I know that, but I wonder, just for one day, I could do what I want.

It's the first day of break and I'm cancelling my first ever plans with friends.


"Awh, that sucks! I hope you enjoy work, Mob!" Kaori turned her phone off and put it in her pocket.
"Huh? Mob has a job?" you ask.
"Yeah. He can't meet us today" pouted Kaori.
You felt disappointment swirl in your chest. You were pretty excited to see Mob, after all.

Wait, you were?

"I can't picture Mob having a job!" chuckled Kaori, trying to fill the silence that occurred.
"Yeah. Maybe he's a waiter or something?" You giggled as you try to picture Mob clumsily carrying plates and trays.
"Or a secret agent. He's pretty quiet, you know!" Kaori added with a laugh.

Secret agent?

You felt a sink in your stomach, instantly thinking of the PMA you and him encountered a while ago.


"Y/N? You there?" You blink as Kaori's hand waves across your face.
"O-oh yeah! I was just trying to picture Mob as a spy or something. He'd look pretty silly, eh?" You smirked.

Nice coverup!

Kaori laughed even more.
"Pfft!! Haha! He'd be too awkward!"
"Anyway, are we seeing Lyra today?" You changed the topic quickly as the fear of the PMA brewed in your stomach.
"Oh yeah! She said she'd meet us at the cinema for 2!"
"What time is it now?"
"Uhh... 1:57" gasped Kaori.
You both instantly turned and began to run towards the cinema.

The patter of your feet against the pavement echoed through the street. The two of you ran as fast as you could, the warmth of the sun on your shoulders and a summer on your face.

Finally you both skid to a halt.
"2:01! And she's not here yet!" giggled Kaori, barely seeming out of breath.
You lay on the floor hugging your knees, frantically panting.
"I'm never moving again" you gasp.
Kaori smiles and sits down beside you, gently patting your head.
"You see Y/N, this is the universe punishing you for spending your life inside your bedroom!" chuckled Kaori.
"Shut up!" you snapped.
"Hey! Kaori!" called out the familiar voice of Lyra "Hey... Y-Y/N? You good?"
You stick your thumb in the air, not moving.
"Is she dead?"
"We ran here because we didn't wanna be late" Kaori smiled, standing up. "The movie should be starting now!"
"Oh no, we're gonna miss it!" You jump to your feet.
"It's fine, there's like, a year of adverts anyway" said Lyra, rolling her eyes. Kaori laughed as the three of you walked outside.

"Three tickets for One Punch Man: The Movie, please!" chimed Kaori.
"What about food?" you asked.
"I got it covered" winked Lyra.

She ended up sneaking a scary amount food into the cinema.


It was just you and Lyra on the walk home. Evening was seeping in through the sky, the sun slowly dropping behind the city skyline. That's when you felt it.

A surge of psychic presence. Your eyes immediately meet each other's and then you knew you had to run.

You heard cackles and soft bangs against the ground, each sound bringing a stronger surge of sense that they were here again.

You turn the corner.

It was the same woman you saw with Mob. Freckles dotted her gorgeous dark skin, her frame outlined by a soft blue glow. Her black curls fell delicately onto her shoulders, exposed by the shoulderless black dress. Grey eyes splashed with gold flecks met your own. And you were mesmerised. Mesmerised by her. Your world was spinning,
it was all blue,
is blue
the woman
she's here
and she


Lyra's eyes widened as your body collapsed to the floor, highlighted with a blue the woman shared. A smile drew itself upon her smirking face.
"Is she conscious?" asked a stunned Lyra.
"She still has hearing" snarled the woman, cracking her fingers.
Lyra simply nodded in response, lifting her head to meet the woman's eyes.

And then she fell into the daze too, blue was with her, in her mind, seeping through her thoughts, letting her body succumb to slumber, gently and softly, mesmerised by Sini's glow.

"W-what have you done" called out a small, soft voice. Mob. Blue gently faded from his edges as he looked up, avoiding her poisonous stare.
"They're sleeping, darling" grinned Sini, brushing a finger along her cheek.
"Why are you after me?" Confidence filled his tone, as his fingers curled into fists.


"Confidential information" she snickered, looking him up and down.
"Please just leave me alone" Mob's head dropped, his dark eyes meeting his shoes.
"I'm afraid we can't do that" The sound of her heels clicking against the pavement caused Mob's head to snap upwards as the woman slowly walked towards him. Her fingers grabbed his face, jerking his chin up to meet her glance. But Mob kept his eyes closed. He didn't want to end up like Y/N and Lyra, who lay collapsed on the ground, blue softly blinking around their limp forms.
"You don't need to drag my friends into this" stated Mob, not opening his eyes to meet her hungry stare.
"It's their own fault for coming here. Are they your little servants? Do I have to get through them to get to you, or something?" Siri cackled.
Mob didn't answer.
A sneer dragged across her expression. "What's wrong, love? Are you scared?"

His head snapped upwards, instantly surrounded by a oceanic glow. The ground vibrated before cracks formed around her feet.

The earth churned as a void formed, slowly beginning to swallow the space in which she stood. Paralysed, she desperately tried to meet Mob's eyes, but to no avail.
"Damn. Fuck this" were the last words that left her lips before she evaporated into blue swirls.

As if on cue, Y/N and Lyra began to move around.
"M-Mob?" you whispered, sitting up and rubbing your head "What happened?"
"U-uh, well..."

chapter ten but everytime floss writes the word blue she rips off a toe
hi again here's a chapter with some nice juicy action aww yeah babey !!
i love you all

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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