Eight (Socialising)

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The huge, white door flies open, letting light spill into the room. Dust dances through the beams of unnatural, green light, highlighted by a white wall behind it. The slender, lean man lets go of the grey handle, closing it behind him.

Small lights overhead flicker on, bringing a huge monitor mounted on the windowless, porcelain wall into light. The monitor switched on not so long afterwards, a green screen with the text 'PMA'.

The man walked over to the screen, his skinny hands curled into a fist behind his back, resting on his tailbone. A short cigarette limply hung between his thin, chapped lips. His grey eyes, under-toned with grim, dark circles, twitched as he waited for the home screen to load in.

He plucks the cigarette from his mouth, putting it out by squishing it between his fingers and placing it in a silver bin beside the monitor.

A thin, green light ran down his long face. The screen flashed twice before information and text rolled onto the screen. He placed his ring finger onto the screen, scrolling through open tabs until he found a small window.

Agent: 45
Status: Active
Progress: 10%
Day: Two

His thin lips revealed a toothy grin. He swiped again to read other chains of profiles and data, until he flicked his wrist and the monitor flickered off.

The huge, white door swung closed, leaving the white room submerged in darkness once more. Dust settled on the glass tube, almost hiding the small, floating figure inside, tubes connected to its wrists.


"We should meet up on the weekend! Just us four." suggested Kaori, biting into a ham sandwich. You had just suffered another art lesson, sharing awkward glances and sheepish smiles. You scratch the back of your neck.
"Uhhhh... sure!" you say, not wanting to seem rude.
Lyra nodded in agreement.
"Mob? We could get to know eachother!" smiled Kaori, Mob becoming subject to her friendliness.
"O-ok.... when and where?" he stuttered.
"The park at.... 1pm? Sounds good?"
"It sounds alright, I think my volleyball fixture is cancelled."
Lyra nodded again.
"Cool! See you then!"


"Feck!! It's 12:55!! I'm gonna be late!!" you yell to your mum.
"Alright Y/N, have fun! Text me when you're coming home." smiled your mother, handing you your bag. You gave her a hug and ran out of the door.

Socialising wasn't easiest for you. You used to be quite the extrovert, but slowly transitioned into the cosiness of your bed and the warmth of WiFi. It was probably just puberty, but it also kind of sucked. Kaori was friends with anyone, so whenever she invited you to hang out you would normally decline in fear of saying something stupid to a new potential friend.

You walk through the field next to the park, and finally hear small shouts of children as you grow closer. You climb over the wooden gate and look around.
Mob and Lyra were both sat on a swingset, Mob slowly swinging, dragging his feet across the ground.

You wave and run over. They weren't talking.

Oh god.

"Hi guys, where's Kaori?"
"Over there" grunted Lyra "She's seen someone she knows.
You look over and see the blonde talking to a boy named Kousei.
"Isn't he the piano god?" you chuckle, running a hand through your hair.
Kaori spots you and runs back over, saying goodbye to her friend.
"Hey guys!" she smiles, saluting.
She was wearing a pair of ripped boyfriend jeans with an embroidery flower belt, a white shirt tucked in that read "thats gay" in black font, a red cardigan and a grey backpack.
You giggle at her shirt "What's gay?"
"I found it funny." she smiled, pointing at the text on her shirt.
You sigh and facepalm.
"Where should we go?" you ask. Lyra shrugged.
"Maybe into the Hightown? We could find some shops to mess about in or something. Or the sports hall. You guys like sports?"
You and Lyra immediately make eye contact.
"Actually, I played against Y/N in a volleyball game last week." chuckled Lyra, ruffling her black curly hair.
"Oh! You already knew eachother?"

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