Two (Musical encounters)

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Everything syncs back into normal speed. Mob, and the strange green spirit beside him, are still locked in your sight.

Mob's P.O.V

It's her. The girl who answered. Why hadn't I noticed this before? She isn't new, is she?
Before I could do or say anything, she turned away and walked at a quick pace in the opposite direction.
"Why don't you go after her?" said Dimple. "She's a cute one"
I hesitate.
"I don't know, Dimple"
"I think ya should. She might be handy"

3rd person P.O.V

Your hands push open the door to the piano room you had booked. To your luck, it was empty. Trying to take your mind off the encounter, you sit at the stool and begin to play a song.

Your fingers led you to play Unravel. It was quite a challenge, considering that your mind was scattered. Managing to finish the first minute, you stop and let your mind take over. You use your powers to play Moonlight Sonata. Nobody usually comes in if a difficult song is being played. Unzipping your bag, you pull out a book and begin to read.

Over the sound of the beautiful song, you don't hear the door open. You don't hear the footsteps start and stop. You don't here them politely close the door behind them, and you don't hear them place their bag down.

But you do hear them speak out.
"Err... Y/N-Chan..."
Leaping out of your seat in panic and surprise, the music stops and instead an awful and loud discord is heard, along with random mismatching keys. The book falls out of your hand.
"Nooooo! I don't known what page I was on!"

Falling to your knees in despair , you pick up the book and frantically flick through, distracted from the small classmate stood above you.
"Oh! I'm sorry! I'll go! I'm sorry!"
You look up. It was him again. The spirit smirked, watching you.

"You saw nothing." you hiss.
"You-you don't actually play piano? You use your psychic powers instead?"
"I do play the piano! It's just practice when I multi-task!" You yelp, trying to prove your skill.
"Oh. Why don't you use your hands to practice?"
"Because.. because!" You pause to think. Why don't you use your actual hands to practice? "Because it's practice of my mind!" You point your index finger to your temple and your face twists into a concentrated expression.
"Oh. That makes sense." He bowed "Sorry for bothering you!"
"Oh, don't worry.. it's fine!" He made to leave. You call out to him "How come I've never noticed you before?"
Mob shrugged. "I-I was going to say the same to you. Are you new?"
You shake your head.

Sitting down at the piano once more, you begin to play. You look over your shoulder at Mob. He was still standing there.
"I'm guessing you're staying?"
He jumped and went bright red. "N-no! I'll go if-if you want!" Mob reached for his bag. You reach your hand out and swivelled around on the stool.
"It's fine. Stay if you want."
The spirit winked at Mob, who took no notice of him.
You turn your hand towards the spirit.
"What is that doing here, anyway?" You ask, narrowing your deep E/C eyes.
"Oh. That's Dimple. He's haunting me."
"It's creepy. Why haven't you got rid of it?"
"He's company" shrugged Mob.
You looked at him with a weird expression before turning back to find the other page sheet music.

"You're allowed to sit down, you know" You laugh, scratching the back of your neck.
"O-oh, s-sorry!" He murmurs, before sitting down.
You laugh again. "Why are you apologising?"
His cheeks heated up and he didn't answer.
Shrugging, you turn back to the piano and begin to play again.

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