Three (Mindful Chit Chat)

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You finish the song just as the bell rings out, signalling last period. Heading out the door, you switch the lights off behind you. You hold the door open as Mob passed under your arm. Closing the door, you head off to class. Mob seemed to be following you, though.
"Don't you have class?" You suddenly spin around on your heals.
"Oh!" He jumped "Yes, yes I do. I have.. I have Drama"
"Hm" You turn around again. "So do I"
"O-oh, okay!" he smiled, walking in the direction to class. You tagged along beside him.

There was a period of awkward silence before the strange little green sprit chirped in.
"Sooooooooo..." The two young psychics turned to look at him. "Err.. POLITICS! In the.. er... Philippines!"
Quietness and a weird glance replaced Dimple's attempts at conversation. The only thing to be heard were footsteps chiming through the corridors. You look away, pretending to be in thought but in all reality avoiding the awkwardness.


"MY HANDS! MY HANDS!" screamed the girl, lying limply in your arms. You fall to your knees, still cradling her petit body.
"Patricia... PATRICIA!! Wake up!" You lean over her, shaking her shoulders.
"Nneghh" Patricia's head turned, tongue and eyes lolling.

You let go and dropped her onto the floor.

The class applauded. You blushed and looked over at the rest of your group. Patricia stood up too, giggling.
"Great performance girls" smiled the teacher, clapping. You walked over and took your seat between Kaori and Patricia.
"Next group!"
Five boys stood up. Four were cocky, and popular- the typical jock. The other boy was shy and sheepish. Noticing the green spirit beside him, you realise it is Mob. Your mouth curves into a small smile. He seems to notice and drops his head.
'I had nobody else to work with' said a soft, unfamiliar voice in your head. Your eyebrows narrow.


'Oops! S-sorry!'

Your eyes widen.

How does he do that??
How?? Do you just-

Mob turned around.

Oh. I'm doing it.

'Yes, you are' he said- well, thought- sheepishly.

Suddenly, Mob fell backwards onto the floor. The four jocks pranced out behind the curtains; two of them had their arms linked, one hunched over limping holding a cane, and another stuck their chest out and did a 'catwalk'.

"Oh, my, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD" said the catwalker.
"Brooooooooo,, mydude broest mcdude bro NoHomo™ broooo... is he, like, dead?" said the first guy, Ollie, that had his arms linked with Chad.
"Dudeeeeeee.... I think he's like, so, bro, dude, fam, dead... No Homo™ thooughhhh" replied Chad, emphasising every o sound possible.
"What was that?" squawked the hunchback, shaking his fist.
"Bro, I said like, dude, I think he's like, dead, like NoHomo my dudiest bro mcman" groaned Ollie, holding Chads hand.
"Duuuuuuuuuddddeeeee.... your hand is like, super, bro, warm like. NO HOMO THOUGH"
"BUT LIEK GUYS... I THINK HES LIKE, DEAD!" shouted the Catwalker, poking Mob's cheek.
The performance dragged on for a while, before it finally ended.
Chad and Ollie stood in the middle, holding hands while Mob through shredded paper ('confetti') everywhere
"Bro... I will marry you, but like, No Homo™ though."

The audience clapped. Kaori leaned over and said
"My No Homo™ counter tells me that they said no counter a total of 53 times."
You laugh as you watch them bow and walk over to their seats. Mob is looking down at his feet, blushing.

You smile.

You were good.

'Thank you'

It was short, yes, but it's to let you know I will start updating again!
and Jesus Christ thank you so much for 1K views!!! That's crazy!!

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