Oooo The Chunin Exams and Aki's Voice

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"UGH!" I groaned as I was ranting around my room.
"Aki? What's wrong?" Keiko asked as she entered my room.
"I can't find my freaking headband!" I shouted.

So last night Keiko and I were up late studying and when I got super tired I misplaced alot of things. I get ruffling though everything trying to find my hidden leaf headband, but no luck.

"Well where did you loose it?" Keiko asked.
"Well if I knew I would've FOUND IT!!!" I shouted as I felt my inner demon was ready to come out.
"Okay okay, Jesus, calm down. Look you'll find it. Retrace anything you remember," Keiko said.

I mumbled random things as that's what I do when I become frustrated. So all you can hear coming from me is "kdkfksmwlwlwldm."

"What?" Keiko asked.
"Nothing," I said continuing to look around. I then thought to myself....

"Keiko," I said.
"Do you have my headband?" I asked coldly.
"What! No I don't,"she said. Hmm very convinving... However, I know Keiko better than anyone else.
"I'll take away all your cookies," I said.
"Nuuuuu, here," Keiko said, she gave me my headband then ran over to her cookie jar.

I sighed.

I placed the headband so it hung around my neck.


"WHAT'S TAKING HIM SO LONG!!!" Naruto shouted.

We were currently waiting for Kakashi-sensei on the bridge... As always.

I didn't pay to much attention to the conversations people had. Sakura complaining how she didn't blow dry her hair or something like that. Everyone that I've met so far has and silky straight hair, and to be honest I was jealous as my hair wasn't pretty as theirs. What can I say you can't really do much with curly hair.

I ran my fingers through my hair and they always get stuck at the bottom.

I sighed. Whatever...

It was almost midday, however Kakashi-sensei has yet to arrived.
Everything was dull and boring... until Naruto spoke up...

"Oi, Aki. Can you sing us a song?" Naruto asked.

I raised and eyebrow at him.

"Yeah! Your voice always brightens up the mood!" Keiko exclaimed.
"Mmm? I'm not sure," I said while placing my hand on my hips.
"Sing a soothing one or an upbeat one... pwz," Keiko pleaded.

I sighed and gave in. I took a moment to think about what I was going to sing... a soothing or upbeat one...

"I'll sing "Titanium" by David Guetta featuring Sia," I said.

Everyone sat in front of me, and I remained standing. I choose this song as is has a little but of both soothing and up beat. But I always add a little bit of a remix...

Keiko POV

Aki began to sing. (I am not going to put complete lyrics, just a few so you get the idea)

"You shout it out, but I can't hear a word you say. I'm talking loud not saying much."

She began with her monotone voice. Aki has this voice that isn't to high, however she is able to hit those Ariana Grande notes, and very low notes... almost a perfect voice.

"I'm bulletproof nothing to loose, fire away fire away. Ricochet, you take your aim, fire away, fire away! You shoot me down, but I won't fall, I am titanium! You shoot me down but I won't fall, I am Titanium!"

Aki's voice went from her chest voice quickly to her head voice hitting the Sia notes. I looked around to see the rest of Team Seven staring in awe.

"Stone-hard, machine gun, firing at the ones who run. Stone-hard, those bulletproof glass!"

Aki was easily hitting those notes. She was also adding a touch of her own style into the song. However when she reach those powerful notes... I sensed something weird...

Aki sings the chorus once more... and that final note....

"I am titanium!"

I felt a rush of chakra heading towards something and we heard a "BAM!"

We all turned to see a destroyed tree.

We all turned back to Aki who looked as equally confused.

"Wow, well done." Some one said.

I looked and it was Kakashi-sensei!"

"How'd that-" Aki began to speak, however Kakashi-sensei cut her off.
"The Heikima clan was also know for their music and powerful voices. You should learn about that... you have an amazing voice," he said while patting Aki's head.
"Thanks," she said while smiling.

"I apologize for my tardiness, I recommend you all for the chunin exams," Kakashi said.

Woohoo, I got excited, and so did Naruto. Sakura freaked out, and Aki and Sasuke kept their cool.

"You'll have to fill out these applications. Only return those forms if you really, truly want to participate. If you want to compete, report to room 301 at the Academy by 4:00 tomorrow," we all nodded while Naruto tackled him into a hug.

I was looking through the forms and the exams look very dangerous. It seemed interesting so I know I'm going to fill these out.


Aki and I were at home continuing our studies on our clans. We haven't even gotten half way through everything but we were making good progress.

"Hmm, Kakashi-sensei was right. Strong and beautiful voice emits chakra to create a strong force... interesting," Aki said.
"Hm... let's hurry and get this studying done. I want to show off everything that we've learn during the Chunin exams!" I said excitedly.

I learn so much, like how that one of the Souta's Kekkei Genkai is called Daylight Sun, which was odd. Aki and I did eventually started to try out techniques that weren't dangerous... however, we did learn about dangerous techniques.

The Chunin exams are in there way... and Aki and I are going to pass it.



Apparently everyone from Team Seven agreed to participate in the Chunin exams, so we're currently heading to the Academy.

I spaced out, thinking about the past times I had huge exams back in the regular world. I hated failing, and whenever I did I would always hate myself... and I still do. I can't get over past mistakes that I've made, which is my one weakness.

I remained lost in my thoughts we I bumped into this dude.

"Hey! Watch it," he growled.

I raised and eyebrow at him.

"Hmph, losers," another dude said.
I tried my best to ignore them, however they wouldn't let us through.
"Woah check out this one!" The first dude said pointing at me.
"Them eyes are mighty pretty, hmmm and so is she," the second dude said.

I scoffed and faced them in the eye and quickly revealed the Midnight Star.

"You watch it," I said. And walked between them letting my team through.

If this is how competitions gonna act... well this should be easy

Aki and Keiko: Stuck In Naruto (A Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now