Shadow Walker AKA Serafina Goodwin

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"I've saved the most advanced for last." I flipped the page showing them a woman with purple eyes and black hair her smile animalistic. "What's so bad about her?" The General spoke up. "She's the most advanced Meta-Human I've ever heard of and seen in action. She's the Queen of the Shadows. It's said she can shift into a beast, walk in the shadows, can even make lava."
"So where is she? Is she captured?" The eagerness in his voice was enough to make Waller crack a smile.
"Let's just say the guy who captured her also lived in the shadows."

Meanwhile in Serafina's POV
Stupid cuffs, stupid light, stupid trickery! I growled in frustration as the cuffs slowly fell loose. I climbed to the top of the cage and swung from the bars climbing using them like a monkey frame. I heard guards coming towards Me and Harley. I let the memory play...

It was me and Sophie my younger sister we both were walking home I used my advanced hearing to make sure no one was following the least I wanted to do was to hurt someone in front of my little sister. I didn't want her getting involved in the wrong crowd like I did. I heard a material flapping in the wind until it landed with a thud? That's not right. "Sophie run!" I spun on my heels and punched the bat in the face. "I don't want to do this." Batman spoke in his hoarse yet deep voice. "Sophie go leave!" I didn't want this I didn't want Sophie to see the beast. He pushed me back and grabbed me, dodging his attack and kicking him in the face he stumbled backwards and I felt myself loosing control. 'Let me kill!'
'Not in front of Sophie.' My face shape changed and my skin bubbled and burnt to a deep orange and my eyes changed colour. "Sophie, move!" I yelled wanting to finish him. She shook her head furiously "Sis don't hurt him, please I love you Serafina. Please don't hurt him." Reluctantly I sighed softly and sat down on the ground and pulled Sophie close to me. "I won't ever let anyone hurt you, alright I love you. Go to Dads not in Gotham you know where. Be safe. I love you Sophie." Bat cuffs were placed upon my wrists as the cops showed up. "Now promise me you have to write to me everyday." She nodded and I kissed her forehead. I looked at the bat that stood before me holding his hand out for Sophie. "You lay one finger on her that's not friendly I'll kill you." I saw his brown eyes shrink in fear knowing I meant that. "Good Batzy." I giggled softly and got into the cop car.

I watched the memory fade away as a guard banged on the cell door. "Get down from there sweet cheeks you know your not allowed to be up there." It was Griggs. I growled at him as I watched his hand dig into his pocket and he pulled out a letter from Sophie. I jumped down onto the floor on all fours and let my face shape change to that of my jaguar. "Give me it." He didn't give me the letter that he stuffed it into his pocket. "Griggs I will kill you." He chuckled and bent down to my level of height. "You just threatened me you know what the punishment is for threatenin' a member of staff." I snarled at him and ran at the bars on my feet. My shoulders hit the bars and bent them I reversed and ran at them again the bars bent. "Zap her." I heard the electrical current flow through the bars. I want that letter. I'm having that letter! I reeled back in anger my teeth elongated and my eyes changed to silver and my bones felt like they were on fire, but I stood up and charged at the bars. They snapped upon impact and I punched Griggs hard in the face breaking his nose, instantly knocking him unconscious. I searched his body to see the letter and grabbed it I ran back into my cell and tore open the letter.

'Dear, Serafina
I miss you, dad says I can't see you because your loosing control. But I don't believe him because your stronger than Jade. Daddy says that I'll become a strong leader, I don't want to lead the Jaguars I want you and Jade to lead because you are the best sister in the world. I love you sis. Most lovingly Sophie.. xxx

I held the letter close to me and let out a sob. Oh Sophie if only you knew. I felt Jade inside me, she was balling her eyes out. My precious Sophie. Dad said that he would always look after Sophie until the day he died because she wasn't like me her Jaguar is weaker than mine because when she was a babe her body was fully human. I wasn't born in human form I was born half shifted Dad said that I had never needed help with anything because me and Jade would always combine ourselves. It just means that I'm not as human as everyone else. Does this make me the monster?

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