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We all teleported to Bruce Wayne's humble aboad. All of us meaning my assembled shadow army and the left over jaguars. I smelt something in the air. I've known for a long time it was him being batman. The scent of bat is easy for me to follow it lead me here.

"What are you doing here?!" He yelled in his formal attire a glass of champagne in his hand. "I've come for my sister, you got her killed. You said you'd protect her batzy!" I yelled in vengefulness.

"Your sister she's she's alive I had her come and stay with me but she insisted that she bring her family. Got to hand it to you you have a large family." Sophie came running into the room she's grown so much. Her eyes shone brightly they were wide and almost glowing. "Sophie?!" I yelled in excitement. A smile spread across my face I ran to her my arms wide. "I missed you so much."

"I've missed you to." She cried loudly happiness consumed the room. "I want you to meet someone whose my mate his name is Chato Santana. He's the one with all the tattoos." We broke apart and walked over to Chato. "I take it this is Sophie right heromosa." Kissing his nose lightly I nodded my head and giggled. "Awe you two, anyway I brought most of the pack but little Wayne of there didn't want his house full but on the plus side we only lost about 30 40 at most of our pack. Think about it sis, anyway we don't know who the Alpha is because we all have either silver or blue eyes none of us have gold eyes." Looking down at the floor I made Jade push through slightly making my eyes glow bright gold. "The Alphas have returned!" She cried a loud pumping a fist into the air. Cheers were heard across the hall.

Happiness enveloped me and power harnessed my energy to overdrive. "You know I could change you into one of us but I love you just the way you are Chato Santana."

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