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I pounced to the other side of the balcony and into Chato into his arms to be exact my teleportation came from his fire. "hermosa I thought I hurt you." I giggled and hugged him softly, "it's nice it gives me energy. You could never hurt me. Because of what I am." He nodded softly and I kissed his cheek. "Oh and one more thing I may be a shifter but all shifters have other halves and mine happens to be you." I used my half shifted tail to pull him nearer to me.

Off went that bomb before we all climbed through a small gap in the wall. Stairs my biggest enemy. I shifted despite being weaker I still was quicker on four legs than two. I sprinted up the stairs over taking Floyd, Harley, Chato and Ricks team. One of them nearly jumped over the railing when he saw a 9 foot tall jaguar comin towards him it just made me laugh.

We all made it up the stairs me waiting at the top for what seemed forever. "Wait here you don't wanna give this dude a heart attack."
"Awe, he's embarrassed of us." Harley giggled her smile stretched beyond her ears. HVT-1 hmm I wonder.

Rick came back up the stairs with Floyd and his eyes explained it all we had been saving Amanda Waller. I growled and snarled and hissed I stood up and we all formed a circle around her. "Now, now you've come all this way don't get high spirited on me now." She wiggles the phone that held our lives I won't let her do that to Chato. I'd kill myself rather than seeing my own mate die before my eyes, especially like that. "And they call us the criminals and crazy ones?!" I yelled aloud suddenly I was pinned up against the wall but it wasn't hard a gentle pair of lips hit my own the sparks that flew were real I kissed Chato back. A throats clearing broke us apart. I growled out before we both walked on like nothing had happened. We made it up to the roof and the helicopter was just hovering above the ground. It was Mr. J. I looked at Harley as she looked at her phone. "You go, I stay I'm not leaving him." I yelled to her. She nodded and stood up. Like a brainwashed doll she slowly walked towards the hundreds of bullets flying and whizzing past none of them hitting her she took off her jacket and ran before hopping onto the rope and twirling around upon it. The helicopter was then pushed away. Harley gone. Next would be me and Chato I would take him to live in the Shadow place, or in the jungle where I'd train him and make him my own.

"Shoot her!" Walker called out. "She didn't do shit to me." Waller seemed defeated until her eyes twinkled like they did that night when she told me to go to hell because I stole her shadow which meant that she could no longer feel accompanied whilst being alone. Her shadow asked me to though, she said that Waller had changed due to her status and she never listened to music anymore, she had become obsessed with her status. A single shot brought me out of my memories and I growled out. "I missed." Floyd spoke winking at me I knew it he had purposely missed. I giggled slightly as another helicopter came and picked Waller up. White fireworks shot out of it. "She's gonna regret doing that." Just as I said it an arm pulled her out of the sky. "Told ya." They all started to run out of the building because Flag demanded they go after her to get her back. The bird on fire near was there's it had crashed into a building and it made me angry and heartbroken. It was pouring it down by now. It was unintentional but I couldn't help it extreme emotion causes it to do whatever I want it to. When we all reached the bottom of the stairs and outside I saw Harley sat on the top of the car her necklace gone. Was he gone? Floyd pulled her off and I ran over to her I hugged her tightly. "Don't you ever do that again, you scared me silly." She laughed but it was broken. "Harls it will be fine alright, nothing will be bad because he will be alive still." She nodded and walked with Diablo and me. We all saw it the broken and twisted metal of the helicopter the gun shots that were coming out of the Helicopter.

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