Chapter 3~ Anteiku

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I walk slowly backwards trying to remain as silent as possible.
I can't let anyone see me.
As I walk backward, I trip over a third victim only to be making a loud thud. 

"Who is out there?!"



"You might as well come out right now." Said the man
I let out of small soft laugh.
"Cause I have no choice?"
I continue laughing a bit as I walk out of my hiding spot.
"I guess I wasn't sneaky enough." I let out a sigh.

"Who are you?" The man asked.
"Your mom"
I say trying not to laugh.
I walk up to the tall, well built man, with silver hair, and stubble. He wore a long overcoat and a black shirt.

"You are so immature already."he scoffs with a stone cold glare.
"Hmmmmmm..." I say walking around him and inspecting his characteristics.

"I can tell you are a ghoul." I hum.
"182 cm. 76 kg?...Nahhh" I put a finger on my chin thinking.
"79? Hmm.......Yeah!" His eyes widened.
"Bloooooddd type A?" I question the man.
"What are you? A stalker?"
He says shooting me another glare.
"Do you always glare at people? That's pretty rude ya know." I say walking away dragging away a body that I planned on eating for my breakfast.

"Oi!! Where do you think you're going?!" He yells. Well, practically screams.
"Away from you" I say casually, but he runs up to me and drags me away.

"Hey!! Let me go! Right now! H-Hey?! Are you even listening to me?!"
He throws me over his shoulder and I keep hitting his back, hoping he would let me go.
"I don't listen to annoying brats."
He doesn't she anything after that and just continues walking.

Time Skip Brought To You By Naruto :3

We come to a stop by a small cafe.
"Hey..isn't thi-" I get cut off when he opens the door and the small bell above the door rings.

I cover my ears as a slender teenage girl with dark straight hair cut into a bob and long bangs that reach her chin, covering the right side of her face, scolded the silver haired man.

"She was by the cliff." He stated

"Yeah! Then this random guy who didn't even introduce himself, not only drags me, but also put me over his shoulder like a toy doll!"
I say in defense.

"Well you are pretty like a doll" she said.
The guy just face palms.

I didn't know if that was considered a compliment or sarcasm by the tone of her voice.

" Touka Kirishima, but you can call me Touka." The girl, Touka, gives me a warm smile and I couldn't help but smile back.
"This idiotic man here, who apparently likes to drag women around with him, is Renji Yomo." Touka sighed after he sentence.
"Your name?"she asked
"Hmm?" I tilt my head to the side.
"What's your name?" She repeats.

"Name..?" I slowly say.

"You don't know..your name?" She gasped.

"Name. Name. My name?...Umm..I don't really know." I look at her and smile.
"Hm. That's weird. We'll then what would you like to be called" she asked as Renji put me back onto the ground. "I..i don't know" I just shrugged.

"Hm. How abooouuttt. oh! How does y/n sound?!" She says with excitement.
I nod.
"Sounds pretty. I like it!"
I smile at her.
"Thank you."

I like the name.
Why couldn't I remember my own name?

Time Skip
Cause it's 2:00 am and author~Senpai is tired.
- After You've Met All The Staff -
< Not Including Kaneki >
Hehe author~Senpai has something planned....
So imma just end this chapter here! Sorry it's short! I just can't wait to make the next one hehehe...

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