Chapter 12~ Sleep

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"Don't ever talk to me again you hear me?..." I glared at him.


I can see her lying there.
Reminding me how it was



"Don't you dare follow me around anymore you stalker." I took my foot off his chest and started walking away. He followed behind.

"You're the one came to the store I work at." He retorted. I sighed, and turned around to face him, walking backwards.

"How was I supposed to know you worked there? I never thought I'd see You again. In fact I was hoping not to see you again in my life."

"Destiny brought us together." I "tched".

"What's with you and your 'destiny' crap anyway?" I snap back.

"What's wrong with believing in destiny?" He questions.

I rolled my eyes. "This isn't some fairytale from your bedtime story, okay? Believe it or not, but this is reality. Not everything or anyone will have a 'Happily Ever After'. Grow up. You aren't a kid anymore."

He remained silent and not s single word came from his mouth.

"Well I'm heading off home. Cya nerd." I faced forward back to the direction of my home and waved him off.

Why am I suddenly so tired?

I miss my bed. My amazing comfortable bed that love so much. Nothing can beat sleep. I can't wait to just jump onto it and fall asleep.

Soon I arrived back to the cafe and headed to my room, flopping onto my desired sleeping spot.

I slept for what seemed to be an hour and a half until...

"Y/NNN WAKE UP! ITS TIME FOR WORK!" I fell off my bed at the sound of the frantic scream. "Ughhhh.." I groaned. I barely got any sleep.


"Coming...Coming" I waved off and put on my work uniform, then headed downstairs.

"I'm here.." I said as I yawned, stretching my arms out. "Alright here are the orders! Get brewing!" Touka exclaimed cheerfully.


After about an hour or so, all the customers were gone. Except for two couples. I laid my head on the counter tiredly.

Soon I drifted off into a deep slumber.


"Y/n!" Called a deep voice.

"Papa! Papa papa! I'm coming! Hehe" giggled the little girl.

"Oh my dear child. Where have you been! I thought you ran away!" The man said with a hint of worry.

"Hehe don't worry daddy! You just suck at seeking!" The man sweatdropped.

"Again! Again! Let's play again! Pllease daddy!" Y/n begged. Finally, the man nodded.

"I'll count while you hide!"

The little girl covered her yes with her small hands and counted.


(It's a little girl what do you expect?)

"10! Ready or not here I come!"
She shouted with joy.

She turned around and looked around.

5 minutes turned into
10 minutes. 10 minutes turned into
15 minutes. 15 minutes turned into
20 minutes. 20 minutes turned into
30 minutes. 30 minutes turned into
40 minutes. 40 minutes turned into
7 hours.

7 hours she searched and searched.

"Daddy! I give up! I told you I gave up along time ago! Come out now! I don't wanna play anymore.."

The girl called.
And called.
And called.

Never to see her beloved father ever again.

"Y/N WAKE UP!" A voice yelled.

"DAD WHERE ARE YOU?!" I shouted as I woke up. I sighed. "Just a dream..."

I looked at the one who woke me up.

"What are you doing here?"



Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I apologize for not updating longer then a week. I haven't had time to write. Anyway thanks for all the reads, votes, love and support!


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