Chapter 17~ Recovery and Forgiveness Pt. 1

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Recap from last Chapter because i have updated in forever and some people probably forgot what happened...
I stared at what was left of Rize. Tears flowed down my cheeks as blood went down my mouth. "I. . . Killed. . .Her." Rize may have been a monster but she was my first ever friend. She saved me with out me even realizing it. Kaneki must think I'm a monster too. "Y/n" a male voiced called. There was no need for me to turn around to know who it was. He hugged me as I cried in his arms. "A-ayato!" i sobbed. I can hear him growl as he looked at Rize. Or at least what was left of her. "Its okay Y/n. Ill take Kaneki and you to the hospital. You both are hurt." I backed away, "I'm. . . Ugh. Fine" I tried to walk but my head and my body ache. I wouldn't have gotten hurt if I hadnt let my guard down when she tried to taunt me about her hurting kaneki. I fell to the ground. "Come on. I'm taking you both to the hospital whether you like it or not." I nodded and blacked out when he put me on his back and kaneki on his shoulder.

looks like I won. . . Heh. Ill see you soon Rize. . . I'm sorry Kaneki.



"Let me go!"
"Let me see her!"
"I have to see her now!"
"Sir calm down! She is still recovering. You must be patient"
"She is strong. You don't know her like I do! She has to be done recovering!"
"Im sorry sir, but we can't let you in. ."

I woke up to the voices from t
he other side of the door that continuously grew louder and louder. Some sounded muffled out and I could not hear quite well, but I managed to get the basics. Lifting my head to see my surrounding, I realized I was on a bed. .but it wasn't mine.

"Ugh . . . My head feels like crap." I sat up from the bed. I was in a small room. Huh? Why am I in Touka's bed . . .? My body ached a bit and my head feels terrible, but other then that, I felt okay. "What exactly happened. .?"

Then it hit me.
The memories.
The blood.
The pain.

Jumping from the bed, I dashed to the door. "I have to find him" I thought. The only thing on my mind was one person. Kaneki.
I opened the door to reveal someone other than the person I needed to see. I was barely able to speak, "Ayato. . ." A small whisper was all I could muster. "Hey. I swear Touka would not let me in." He glared at his sister. "Where's Kaneki. . ?" I asked. "He's downstairs. . . But, I don't think you wanna talk to him just yet." My head fell down at his words.

He must hate me. . .

I know its short. But i decided to start writing this story again. Ik ik i havent updated in a looong time. But ill be posting the second part later tonight or tomorrow morning! Merry Christmas!

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