Chapter 14~ Aogiri Tree

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Sorry for the late update. I was having family issues and moving problems. But here ya go. Enjoy<33

Y/n~ Your Name
L/n~ Last Name
POV~ Point Of View


It's been a week since Hide had questioned me. I haven't heard back from his friend either.

Flashback: A Week Ago, The Day Y/n Was Questioned By Hide.

"R-right!" I glared at Nagisa. "I'll have you for dinner if you don't fix things with Hide. Got it?" He nodded and ran out of the shop.

Flashback: End

What has Nagisa, Hide, and Kaneki been up to? Anyways, I need to meet up with him.

Some time later...

"Oi Y/n. You're late!" The blue headed boy scolded me.

I land gently on the roof of the building. "Well excuse me! Not my fault you changed the location six times!" I shot back. He gave a 'hmph' and crossed his arms. I sighed. "Look Ayato, i need your help.."

"Ohh? The princess needs help?" He teases. I blushed a bit and growled. "Will you just listen for once? And don't call me that." "Fine. What is it you need?" "I need you to talk to Hide for me." "Who?" "The Orange head. You know, kaneki's friend?!"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. Right. What about?" I fumbled with my words and give a nervous laugh. "W-well you!!" I say quickly.

"Y...YOU WHAT?!" Ayato shouted. "Look just...please talk to him. I need to speak with Kaneki later. I wanted to ask him if he wanted to hang out." I scratched my neck nervously. "He better not steal my bestie." He growled.

"Yeah yeah. Just talk to Hide. I gotta go. Your sister is waiting for me to help out at work." I waved him off and left.

"Damn you Kaneki...."

Ik Ik it's short. But I was desperate to put something. I haven't been as active and I'm sorry!! *bows* PWEASE FORGIVE ME!!!

I'll update soon again...LOVE YOU PLEASE DONT KILL ME


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