Chapter 5~ Bloodshed..

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Your POV
After I gave the recipe to the two males they paid for their meal, and left.
"They seem to enjoy your cooking."
Touka says giggling.
"Who wouldn't?" I joked.
We both burst out laughing.
"I'm going to head out. I need to go get some more ingredients if I'm going to be baking more cakes tomorrow." I say getting my gray oversized jacket.
"Alrighty be safe." She said waving.
I gave her a salute and walked out the door, turning the sign to 'closed' in the process.
"Let's see..Definitely going to need more surger. That will be 'sweet' if I make it there before they close." I jokingly say to myself.

I make it to the store and luckily they were still open. Although there weren't as many people there would be in the daytime.
I go to the different isles and grab what I need. I was lucky enough Touka gave me some money for the stuff needed.
I pay, and then leave satisfied with myself.

I hear distant voices in an alley as I walk by.
"Hey girly? What are you doing at this time of night? How about we say you and my friends and I go 'hand out' for a bit if you know what I mean?" A male with blonde hair and magenta colored eyes said.
Not to me, but to a girl who seemed to be my age, cornered in the alley.
"L-Let me go! I will call the cops on you!" She says in defense, struggling to take out her phone out of her purse.
He puts a knife to her throat.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you sweetheart. Just a little fun won't hurt." He says slowly moving he knife to her cheek, leave a trail of blood rolling down behind it.

"Why don't you leave her alone and go stuff your face with porn magazines if you're that horny you freaking pig!"
I say shoving him up the wall.

"Why don't you shut your filthy mouth you son of a-" I cut him off.

"Watch your language!" I say punching him in the stomach.
"You should work out more."
I say twisting his arm.
"UGHHH" He screeches.
He grabs my arms and holds me back. Giving his friend the signal.
One of his friends grabs the girl.
They both make us face each other.
"You'll have the honor of watching her die because of what you did."
I shut my eyes, tears flowing.
Please no..don't let her suffer.
I open my eyes just in time to see the knife go through the girl's chest.

"NOOOO!!!" I yell trying to break the man's grasp.
I close my eyes again.
Once I open them, my ghoul eye appears on my right eye.

"I told you pigs to let her go."

My voice cracks.
It starts to sound deep and emotionless.

My fault..
My fault..
It's all my fault...
It's all my fault....
She's dead because of me..
I'm weak..
I couldn't do anything..


I jump up, flipping, landing behind the man who made me watch her suffer and die.
My Kagune comes out.
"the snowflake.."
The blondie says backing away.

"An eye for eye."
I step closer to him.
"A life for a life"
He backs away, tripping in the process.

"And a life you shall pay.."



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