Chapter 6~ An Eye For An Eye.. || A Realization.

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My Kagune comes out.
"the snowflake.."
The blondie says backing away.

"An eye for eye."
I step closer to him.
"A life for a life"
He backs away, tripping in the process.

"And a life you shall pay.."


I take one last step to him.
His friend calls his name trying to get his attention.
"S-Sorry Nagisa you're on your o-own on this one!"

(If you know who Nagisa from "Free!" I love you)
His black haired male friend with blue eyes, just like the ocean said as he, along with 3 others, run away in fear.
"H-Haru! Don't leave me! Dang you!!!" He says under his breath.
"Hmmm..? Seems like your so called 'friends' left you behind to die. How pitiful. What a bunch of cowards they are." I say in a monotone voice.
"What traitors they are." I say as an image of those kids pop into my head. I clench my fist.
"P-Please let me go!" He begs.

"As I said."
"An eye for an eye."
He starts to sob.
I clench my fist harder turning my knuckles practically white.
"And a life for a life. WHICH I WILL TAKE YOUR LIFE!" I yell at the top of my lungs. Piecing his ears.

He holds the side of his head, trying to cover his ears from my piercing harsh tone of voice as I yell.
As he does so, he tries to run away.

I slip into the shadows.
"Where do you think you're going?..."
I ask returning to the light and leaving the shadows, appearing in front of him.
"You humans are soooo troublesome sometimes."
I say titling my head to my right as I step closer to him, Corning him in a tight dark corner.

"I pity you all."
"You humans call us monsters? We are just guys have no idea what it's like..being judge..just because of the way you were born?"
My eyes start to sting.
Was I about to cry?
I believe so.

But I won't show any weakness.
"We are not as different as you humans. Yes, we eat human flesh but that's just to survive in this cruel world. Do you all think we have a choice?? Do you humans think we wanted to be this way?!
You all have the luxury of having a family. Having caring friends. A home. People who you know trust you and you very much know you can trust them."
He looks shocked at my words, but continues to listen. (With fear may I add)
"You all misunderstood us Ghouls and half Ghouls. You all are the real monsters."
At that point I had enough. I walked away. Leaving him shocked but still alive.
"But I wouldn't be any different from you humans if I take your life right here right now."

He gave me a confused look.
Then smiled.

I reached out my hand offering to pick him up.
He grabbed it and I pulled him up.
"Now I better get out of here before my friend starts coming up with dumb ideas of what happened to me and why I took so long." I say my sweet calm voice returning and my normal eye color goes back to normal.

"Thank you..." he says trailing hinting for my name.
"That is for me to keep a secret and you to find out someday. Possibly. "
I wink at him.
He blushes.
It's funny how guys react to girls.

"And no problem I guess. Just don't let me catch you doing that again. Ya hear meh?" I say sighing.

"Of c-" he says but I cut him off while my phone vibrates.

"Crap I really gotta go." I say them quickly jump onto the building and continuously jumping onto the next ones ahead.

Thugisa's POV

"Crap I really gotta go." She said.
She then jumped onto the building, jumping to the next, soon leaving my sight.
"Nagisa!" I hear a voice cry.
"Haru...?" I say quietly.

"Yeah it's me!! How on earth did you survive that..that.. Monster?!" He says worriedly.

I suddenly remembered the girl's words.

"I pity you all."
"You humans call us monsters? We are just guys have no idea what it's like..being judge..just because of the way you were born?!"

Her words ring in my ears.
"They aren't monsters..." I mumble.

"What?! Are you serious?! Of course they are!! One just tried to kill us!" He says protesting.
"We killed that girl.." I say still mumbling but loud enough so he can hear me.
"Well what do you expect?! We are humans! They are just monsters?! They feed on us!!"
He yells.  More of her words ring in my head.

"You all misunderstood us Ghouls and half Ghouls. You all are the real monsters."

"We are the real monsters.." I say repeating her words.

"Are you kidding me Nagisa?! What is wrong with you?! I don't want to be friends with someone who is one their side!" He says shoving me.

" guys were my friends from the left me to die!! You ran away like a coward!! You ALL did!!" I shout and walk away trying to pass him.

"Where are you going?!" He says grabbing my shoulder.
"To find her." I say coldly.

"Her? WAIT THE HALF GHOUL GIRL?!" He says like I was insane.
"Yup. I'm leaving you guys. See you never!" I finally get by him and run into the city.

"Where are you..?"


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