Chapter 8~ Dat Booty Doe | Date Arrangment

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I decided to continue the story. I'm sorry for my emotional outbreaks. Hope this will make it up to you~

I went downstairs to help Touka and I saw Kaneki there a blush on his face as he stared at a girl sitting down on another table. He seemed to be starring at her...ahem. Booty.

Wait a can't be...

"Y/n?!" The girl with purple hair and red glasses spoke to me, catching me off guard. "U-Um? Y/n? Who's that? I don't know who you're talking about!" I said waving my hands in defense.

"Really? That's not what your name tag says." She pointed at my Nametag.


"Heh heh...GOTTA BLAST!"

I ran back upstairs. I started shaking.
What was Rize doing here?... I haven't seen her in...who knows how long! I thought to myself. "Y/n...Rize requested to see you." I heard a voice call. It was Touka. Ugh she doesn't know what happened between me and Rize.

"I'll be there in a sec." I mumble but loud enough for her to hear. I sighed and walked back down. A chill went down my spine as Rize waved at me and smiled. "Ah Y/n! It's been so long! How have you've been?" She faked a smile. I can tell that from a mile away. "Um. G-Good I guess.." I mumble.

Kaneki looked over at us, a blush on his face as he stared at Rize and me. Rize winked at him, causing him to look away quickly. I felt a pang of jealousy hit me. Wait what. Jealousy? I feel no such feeling. I think?

"R-Rize?" I started. She turned back to me. "Um. What are you doing here?" She held up a book. The same one Kaneki seemed to be reading.

Oh no...she's targeting him isn't she...

"Just enjoying it here and reading one of my favorite books from my favorite author!" She stated trying to get Kaneki's attention. Which she definitely got. Which just so happened to be my favorite book too. "Um excuse me?" A voice started. We both turned to face the male, Kaneki.

"Um...Ms. Rize, I was um...w-wandering if y-y-you would like to um" he swallowed nervously. "Go on a date with me!?" He shouted quickly with a tomato painted color on his face. My eyes widened.

She had him in her grasp. I thought.
"Oh that'd be lovely! Of course Kaneki~kun." She said saying his name slowly. "I-I will meet you here tomorrow a-at six!" He said and bowed walking away with Hide shaking his head.

"I think Y/n is cuter to be honest. You'd guys would've made a better couple." He stated shaking his head.

"I-I like R-Rize! Not Y-Y/n!" He said in defense. For some reason I felt something burn inside of me. I felt like someone had shot my heart. Wait no!! I can't have feelings!!! I mustn't show any. Not to anyone....after all humans like him only see us as monsters who feel nothing. I felt my eyes sting a tad bit. What was this?

"Bye bye K-a-n-e-k-i!" Said Rize walking out the door waving with a satisfied smile on her face.

Kaneki you idiot...

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