Chapter 16~ Fight

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Y/n~ Your Name

L/n~ Last Name

POV~ Point Of View



Your POV

(Waring: i am not very good at fighting scenes but be warned their will be gore)

Rize charged at me full speed. I dodged her attack. She charged again. I dodged again. I continuously dodged her attacks. "You cant run forever Y/n" she taunted me. "I will win this fight Rize." I spoke still dodging. "Oh no Y/n. I will be the one to win this fight, and when i do, I'm going to take kaneki for myself. Ill make him fall in love with me and then when he falls so hard, i will crush every bone in his body and eat him in front of your grave." My eyes widen as she stabbed me with her kagune. Blood splattered from my mouth. I must stay strong. I will not let her hurt kaneki. I have such mix feelings. I have never protected another human besides that girl who died in front of my eyes. The pain. The memory of her suffering played in my head once more. "No I am not a monster. I will prove to you that you're wrong about me.. I will prove to all the humans that ghouls are not all that bad. I will protect Kaneki from You and everyone that hurts him." I hadn't noticed that tears were forming in my eyes. "Oh has the dangerous most powerful ghoul. . . fallen for a human? How weak." Rize sped over to Kaneki's body.

"So what would happen if I just. . ." My eyes widen in horror as Rize stepped on Kaneki's unconscious head. "Leave him alone!" Rize seemed to like my reaction. "Oh how about this. . ." She than picked up his body and threw it to the wall of the alleyway. "Leave him alone!!" i screamed louder. "How about. . ." She picked up his hurt body and was about to yank his arm off, but not before I tackled her with my kagune. "I said. To. . . Leave. . . Him. . .ALONE" My Kagune than tore rize body In half. Seeing all the blood. . . I couldn't help but eat.

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I stared at what was left of Rize. Tears flowed down my cheeks as blood went down my mouth. "I. . . Killed. . .Her." Rize may have been a monster but she was my first ever friend. She saved me with out me even realizing it. Kaneki must think I'm a monster too. "Y/n" a male voiced called. There was no need for me to turn around to know who it was. He hugged me as I cried in his arms. "A-ayato!" i sobbed. I can hear him growl as he looked at Rize. Or at least what was left of her. "Its okay Y/n. Ill take Kaneki and you to the hospital. You both are hurt." I backed away, "I'm. . . Ugh. Fine" I tried to walk but my head and my body ache. I wouldn't have gotten hurt if I hadnt let my guard down when she tried to taunt me about her hurting kaneki. I fell to the ground. "Come on. I'm taking you both to the hospital whether you like it or not." I nodded and blacked out when he put me on his back and kaneki on his shoulder.

looks like I won. . . Heh. Ill see you soon Rize. . . I'm sorry Kaneki.

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Thanks for reading! Ill let you know on my Bio when the next chapter in my bio and on the new Instagram account I started to let you know on the updates!

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