Chapter 11~ m y fault

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Recap From Last Chapter~

"Excuse me miss. But why are you out at night at this time? It is very dangerous you know." Said a voice. I turned to see two ghoul investigators.


Y/n~ Your Name
L/n~ Last Name
F/n~ Fake Name
F/l~ Fake Last Name
Italiacs~ Thoughts

"Ah! Good evening gentlemen. You see...." Gah! Think y/n think!

"Hello there gentlemen. I see you have found my girlfriend. I apologize, we were doing late night shopping together and she just ran off on her own. Well, we will be on our way."

"A-ah yes! There you are sweetie! I'm sorry for going on ahead. It seems I got us into some trouble." I played along, giving a fake smile.

"Alright then. We will be on our way. Sorry for bothering you love birds. Have a good night." The two investigators walked off in the opposite direction.

I waited until they were no where to be seen, then elbowed the one who just saved me.

"Ugh you didn't need to do that Nagisa! I could've handled that on my own." I crossed my arms with a 'hmph'.

"Sure. Whatever you say grumpy pants." He patted my head.

"And I am not your girlfriend. Was that seriously all you could think of?!" I shouted at him.

"Oh of course not. Because you're the thing that's always on my mind. It's not too late to actually be my girlfriend ya know?"
I elbowed him again.

"Ow! Stop elbowing me!" He said rubbing his arm.

"Go ahead and tell you're friends you've just been touched by an angel." I started to walk away.

"Hey! I just saved you back there! You owe me. I get to walk you home." He pulled me close to him but I pushed him away.

"Get your filthy hands away from me weirdo." I shoved my hands into my sweater's pocket and headed home, him following behind me.

"It's my fault she's dead..." I mumbled.

Him being here just reminds me how that poor girl died. It's all my fault. He is making me feel this way. And he thinks he has the right to act like it never happened! Tch.

"You done spacing out?" He poked my cheek. I grabbed his arm and flipped him over. I put my right foot on his chest, my hands going back into my pockets.

"Don't ever talk to me again you hear me?..." I glared at him.


I can see her lying there.
Reminding me how it was


I realized I do a lot of author notes so I'll try to do less and more actual chapters.

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