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I should of said this a while ago but I apologize for the language. It's just what I picture the characters saying. I mean I don't think they would say like "oh snap" or "DARN." So my bad if it's offensive, I really did not mean for it to be.


Katy immediately grabbed me by the collar and gently, yet forcefully jogged me out of the house and into her car and opened the door for me and closed it, when I got in.

She just closed it and turned around, and faced me though the window. Looking into my eyes.

"I don't know what just happened." she gasped for air putting her hand on her chest.

"Tyson you can not lose control like that."

Russel ran outside to her car, still in his pajamas. He was out of breath as well, but he was calm "Katy, did you just see what I just saw in there."

"Just calm down Russell, he didn't do it on purpose, he did it out of protection...for me."

Russell turned around to the car and came up to me. Though the glass window he pointed his finger at me and shouted "THATS VERY NAUGHTY.TYSON. NO., SEE NOW YOUR IN TROUBLE YOU LITTLE SHIT...DOSNT FEEL GOOD TO BE KICKED IN THE FUCKING HEAD NOW DOSE IT."

I yawned and laid down, I don't care what he has to say. He's not the boss of me.

"Russell don't talk to him like that!"

"I can if I please."


Katy rolled her eyes.

"It's a little too obvious you just got yelled at and your ass kicked by Rebecca before you came out here or you wouldn't be yelling at him like that. And I can't believe you let him party with you,I mean who dose that... in bed and just look at his ear. Now! he looks like a fucking circus pirate tiger!..were leaving now so see ya, wouldn't want to be ya. she said in her sarcastic voice.

The drive home was silent.

I felt really bad about jumping on Russell's girlfriend, it's just that she could of hurt katy.

When we got home we came in through the front door, the still silent katy led me all the way to the backdoor by the kitchen and put me outside on the chain. Near the back of the yard. I don't normally have to stay on the chain only when I'm "in time out" or "bad Tyson".

Fine then. Punish me for standing up for you. I just laid down. I'm not admitting to spying but I have great hearing. A thousand times better than yours. I heard john walk downstairs.

Katy was drinking coffee I assume because of the smell.

leaning back against the counter looking out the back window to where I'm laying.

"What's wrong babe?"

" oh it's just Russell can't ever be trusted with Tyson again."

"What do you mean?"

"He had a party and it went bad, he must think Tyson is the fucking tiger from the hangover movie, and that he can just do whatever he wants."


"Yeah it's a new all time low record, and when I came to get him this morning, Ty was laying in the bed with Russell and two other girls. There clothes were all over the floor, and they had a pot joint thing on the dresser. Tyson's ear has a gold pirate ring in it, that I can't get out it's like in the ear. And when I came in his 'girlfriend' Rebecca started yelling and screaming at me. Ty got defensive and jumped on her when she came up to me. I tried to push him off and it took Russell kicking him in the head to snap out of it and get off. So we left, and I got kind of freaked out and I put him outside."

"Oh that's a lot."

John walked up to her and stated rubbing her back. "Maybe we just all need to calm down he looks fine, not like beat up or anything major."

Yeah I know, I was just in shock I guess of how he defended me like that. I mean it was unnecessary, but she was in my face.

"What if I make you dinner tonight and it's just us, and we can have are own barbecue and swim, and just hangout., Because tomorrow I have to go out of town for meetings with my record company?"

"Sure that sounds like fun." Katy smiled at him, putting her coffee mug down and hugging him.

"Okay, I'm going to run to the store to pick up some steak and stuff for us, actually I guess four steaks, I mean maybe Tyson will warm up to me. And I know Shannon's probably going to drop by anyway." He grabbed the keys and walked out to the garage.

Since it's so nice out I just decided to move to the grass and take a nap.

Maybe john isn't so bad, I mean he can be annoying but he hasn't kicked me or anything like Russell did. And he is nice to katy, I mean she seems pretty happy. So I guess I can give him a chance, for katy.


I woke up when john and katy and Shannon all walked out into the patio.

John started the grill and Shannon gave him and katy a beer and they all opened it and drank some.

I like Shannon, she's short and funny and easy to scare her but I like her.

I heard katy tell Shannon the same story she told john earlier about me and Russell.

"Speaking of Tyson where is he?"Shannon asked.

"He's over there on the chain in the back corner of the yard." katy pointed to me.

"Why? did he do anything bad?" Shannon took another gulp of beer.

"Well,I guess not..." Katy looked at john.

"He just freaked me out a little, sometimes I forget he's a tiger and has so much power." She stood up and walked over to john.

"Kate, we can handle him I'm sorry I overreacted earlier. I would actually really like for him to like me."john put the food on plates for Shannon, katy and himself.

"It just took me this long to figure out that he loves you probably as much as I do, so we have to share you."

"Haha awh, thanks babe, I'll let Ty off once were done eating, Shannon are you going to stay and swim with us?."

"Maybe, haha DUH! yes, of course, unless you two make it weird or something." She laughed. Making katy raise her eyebrows and roll her eyes.

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