Disney world or bust

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The next morning I woke up in her room alone.

What? where did they go? did they leave me?

I looked at the clock.

Sat 10:00 Am

I went downstairs and into the kitchen where Katy and Johns voices seemed to be coming from.

They were eating and Shannon and Tamara were with them too.

"Hello sleepy head" I went to the table that they were all eating at and went under it. Putting my head in Katy's lap. Making her smile. Tamera held out a pice of bacon for me and I tried to sit up and banged my head on the table making the plates clash on the wood, everyone was laughing.

Except john he was watching the news.

"Hey let's do something fun today!"katy announced to everyone.

"Yeah before you go off on your tour, leaving mmmmeee"..Shannon started fake crying.

"Oh shanny..." Katy said dramatically, and walked over and sat on Shannon's lap in the chair.

"Shuttt upp" Shannon tried to push her off.

"No, youu."katy leaned back on her.

"Wow" Tamera looked at them raising her eyebrows,giving me another pice of bacon.

"Yeah let's do something fun guys, let's go!"

"Oh oh Disney let's go Disney land!" Shannon threw her hands in the air.

"Um, I don't know," she scratched her head "I don't think Tyson could go then." she looked at Tamera.

"Uh why are you looking at me like I would know, but probably not.."

"Shit that would of been fun." Shannon smirks looking at me.

"Yeah, it would of." john butts in.

"I Guess we could just leave Tyson here, and go...I mean that sounds awful but yeah. That sounds bad."

Katy stands up and puts her plate away, not making eye contact with me.

Shannon follows and gives her her plate,"cmon Kate he's a big boy he can stay home alone for a day or two."

I walk and sit I front of her. Cornering her into the kitchen.

"I guess so."she looks a john.

Ignoring me.

"Great I'll get the tickets!" Shannon ran to the computer.

I sat by the door not wanting them to leave. Something's going to happen, it's just this bad feeling I have In my gut. I don't know what else to do besides go lay behind their car.

Nah, I'll just go upstairs and see what katy is doing.

She was packing and so was john.

I pushed open the door and laid down on the carpet.

"I feel bad leaving him john."

"I know babe but he's just a pet, you can't let him control your life completely, you know what I mean.?"

"I guess so...it just makes me feel bad inside, I know he dose not want to be by himself, and it's not like I would want Russell coming over here to take care of him."

"What if I call Officer Brady to come by and make sure he's safe? Would that make you feel better?."

"Yeah, that would actually help me a lot." she continued packing.

I went downstairs and jumped on the couch not noticing Shannon who was underneath me until she tried to push me off yelling for katy. "Ugh Kate your cat won't get off of me!"

"Just push her off.."

"It's not kitty.."

"What?" She ran down the stairs and looked at me and smiled raising her eyebrows.

"Eh I think your okay, you too haven't really bonded anyway, and it's about time."

I decided on staying on top of her because it's funny watching her try to squirm out from underneath me being on her lap.

"Dammit Tyson" she tried to push me off. I watched john carry there bags out to the car though the window.

Finally they were done loading the car.

"Ty!" katy called from the back yard.

I jumped off of Shannon and ran out the door and into her.

"So I'll be gone for a few days okay baby." She said as she picked some stuff up from the patio table. "Since everyone is coming there's no one to come by and check on you so that police officer is gonna come by and check on you at some point, okay?"

Why do I not get to go? was I bad. I'm sorry.


"And the pool guy is supposed to come by, and your food delivery person from the meat place.They can be in the backyard they have a key." she kneeled down to my level.

"Officer Brady can come in, john gave him a key and he's installing security cameras around the house in about two hours...so you'll be okay..okay?"

"Well only be gone for maybe three days, so I'll see you Thursday night so be a good boy okay ty?"

I gave her the sad eyes look.

"I know you don't want to be alone but maybe you'll like having the whole house to yourself." she smiled brightly at me.

Yeah maybe I will be okay.

Then we went back inside and I followed her around until john started the car. She came back and hugged me.

"Love you Tyson!"

As they were rolling out of the driveway the police car with Brady in it rolled in. They rolled down the windows and talked to each other.

Then she was gone and I felt alone.

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