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Its been a week I had my feak out inside. Katy had to redo the whole room and john stayed that weekand it wasnt weird. It felt right, and I could go out when someone was in the back with me. Which is dumb, because im not a baby.. "It looks good john, you did a really nice job."Katy replied, and put her hand on his shoulder.

I sat nearby on the patio, watching the back fence making sure no one would come over.

"Awh thanks babe, im just glad tyson willl get some of his own privacy now." He put the tools down and wiped his forehead with the back of his hand.

The tarp cover was up over a huge pen that had new toys and a huge rock for me to lay on in it. I had a smaller waterfall of freshwater that went into a pool for me to swim in or drink out of. I mean this was really really cool. The only thing was when they actually had me in the pen and it was locked. I mean katy had a huge yard but she donates to the zoo so they hooked me up with all this cool stuff. She could make the pen go away into the ground so it would just be open or when she pressed a button it made the pen come back up like a enclosure.

John engraved my name on the rock and it says "King Tyson" then on the middle of the rock the part that I lay on he engraved his and Katy's initials around a heart on it. I mean katy liked that but I don't care.

"John this is still amazing, I know Ty will love it."

"Why don't we try to teach Tyson some stuff?" john said looking at me.

"Sure!" katy flashed him a smile and called me over to her.

I licked her hand and she patted my head. "Good boy."

"Okay Tyson"! John said making me lock eyes with him.

"Katy tell him to get in the pen!"

"Okayy.. I've never done this before so.. what do I do?."

"Just make him walk with you into the pen., then show him that it's okay and give him a treat."

"But we don't have any tr-"

John tossed her a bag of chicken.

"Okay"she giggled.

"C'mon Tyson! let's get in the pen!" She patted her leg and dangled the enticing chicken down in front of my nose. I walked a bit faster to try and get some of it but Katy saw me and moved her arm away. "No, silly."

We. Walked in, and john stood in the same spot and watched.

"Good job Kate."

"Now tell him to stay and then you leave the cage, and shut the door"

"Okay, I think we can do that!" she said smiling her white teeth at me.

"Tyson...Stay.. stay."I stayed I mean I'm not dumb I know what stay means.

She stepped back out of the pen and turned to john.

"Wow your good at that katy!"

"What?" she ran her hand though her hair.

"Teaching him how to do stuff" john smirked and came over to katy.

"Well I think it's just that he understands me. So it's easy, he's not dumb."

"I can tell, he's smart like his owner." he took a strand of her hair and pushed it behind her ear.

She looked up at him and rocked back and fourth on her toes waiting for him to come closer. John did and they kissed for a long time.

I decided to get a drink and lay down. On my sunbathing rock. That only gets light from the front side of Katy's house not the back, for privacy. I closed my eyes and felt myself drifting off to sleep. It felt good to be out again.


As soon as they kissed john turned around and locked the gate laughing at me as he did so.

"Dumb animal, you've fallen in my trap haha!, now I have katy all to myself...,and guess who's locked in a cage...." He laughed and walked back to katy. I cried out to her and she turned to me and shrugged her shoulders. Then they walked away back inside together.


My eyelids flew open when I heard john lock the gate. He smiled at me. I got up and sprinted to the gate in a flash I was there standing on my back legs with my front paws pressed onto the door that opened. Roaring and extent my claws that almost made it to his skin. They poked though his maroon shirt.

"JOHN!" katy screamed, and ran up to the gate.

"TYSON NO! GET DOWN!" she yelled at me in a very forceful tone. I let go and paced at the front gate.

He can't lock me in, I have to get out, what if he takes over, or hurts her.?

John looked frightened and backed away looking puzzled. His shirt was ripped.

"All I did was lock the cage?"

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