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It had been a week since the video of me attacking Rebbeca had gone viral. We were the most talked about subject on twitter. The only thing that has really changed is how much time I get to spend outside each day. Now theres always people trying to hop first privacy fence. Also, Helicopters fly by fillled with curious people holding cameras with big lenses. The only thing that has seemed to comfort katy is talking to John, and I think hes coming back tonight. 

As much as I love her house I want to go outside. Most days I used to wake up, eat breakfeast, go outside, come back in , - check on katy, Do whatever we were doing that day. Go back outside-and take a nap or chew on something, or swim. Then katy gets home and we hangout and she eats dinner then we go on a hike or walk or watch a movie somewhere with her friends or john. Then I go back out side and come in and we would go to bed. 

But not being able to be outside is really unnerving me. I cant function right, and I try to tell her but she just says "No Sweets, you have to stay hidden untill all of this dies down."

uhhh katy pleeease I havent been able to "go" outside in a week. Now, I have to go in this humiliating box in here garage just like Kittys stupid indoor one, but mine has grass at least on it but its fake. That cat is totally making fun of me I know it, so I did what any other unmasculated feeling tiger would do and  tore it to shreds. (that made her mad). I guess someome cleans the box because then the next day the mess in the box is gone, but I doubt it was katy.

so im feeling pretty antsy right now being all cooped up inside all day. 

I woke up lying next to the back door. Please katy let me ouuuttt. 

"Tyson here go in the garage to go..."  I looked at her sternly. No. 

"no...you cant go out.., im sorry its just a risk that I cant take." 



Katy left, this afternoon, to go pick up john. I cant lie in here anymore. I trotted upstairs and went into one of the spare bedrooms that shannon would crash in. I pounced on the bed and tried to get comfy, but that wasnt happening. My claws are becoming dull too I havent been able to sharpen them on the tree in the back yard, and I smell like my own piss, because im not used to peeing in a fairly small box that I have to squat in, and I normaly lift my leg but noo. I fell asleep and had a dream that I was running around in the open jungle it was awesome. when I woke up I was still on the bed and antsy as ever.I couldnt control myself and I sunk my claws into the bed and ripped all the way down to the mattress. Next I tore though all of the bed pillows making feathers fly up into the room. I ran down stairs having the urge to pee, but again no one was home, and the door was locked. Therefore I was locked in too, so I went to the garage. When I ran in I tripped on kittys box and slid into my box turing it over where I couldnt use it. I went back up stiars looking for an exit from the house, thinking maybe one of her balcony doors were open and I could pee out there but no. I peed on the mattress that I tore and flipped over. After Releiving myself I looked around the room and felt almost a sense of power. Like YES I DID THIS. THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR LOCKING ME UP IN HERE. but then I felt really scared and worried about my life becasue I know katy will shit bricks when she sees this. 

"Beep! Beep!"

The sound of the garage door moving up startled me, indicating katys back with john. Shoot, I need to find a place to hide. Maybe shes in a good mood, hopefully. I ran into her room and hid under her bed. "Tyson! Im HOOOMMEEE!!". Shoot. I looked up from under the bed and looked at her framed photo of us. From when I was small and she was holding me to now and she was playfully laying on top of me. 

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