Phone call

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Buzz! Buzz

Her cell phone rang, but she she didn't let go of me. I sensed she was nervous and she hesitated to answer it.


I jumped off the couch and went to the backdoor and turned to look at her.

I need to go to the bathroom katy. Opennnn the door.

She did. And we walked out into the back yard together.


You maybe thinking why Doesn't she just get a doggie door or something. Well, we tried that once and since she's so famous a bunch if creeps with cameras tried to get in though it so she took It out. Not that I couldn't take care of them.


I went and checked the yard.

The whole time I could hear the panic in her voice.

"Yeah, I know it was an accident!"

She paced the patio.

Great. Now she's upset.

She ran her fingers though her hair.

That's not a good sign.

"He's not, but no one got hurt!?" her voice got angrier.

"Well no he's mine, I'm not doing that!." I walked in between her legs.

"No, he's good, she's just a bitch who did this to take him away from me."

"Well?, did they interview Russell?"

"How am I breaking the law? cmon! Michael Jackson had a chimp named bubbles? why can't I have tyson?"

Russell? Is this about Rebecca? I said I was sorry?

"No tam, just come by in a couple of minutes, john just left...hopefully this dies down before she notifies like the police or anything."

She hung up.

C'mon Ty let's go inside.

She gave me some food and let me back inside.

Tamera is here with some other people I don't really know.

"Hey bud!" she bent down and petted my side.

I like tam she's cool, and she takes care of me when Katy's away.

They all sat in the living room. It looked really serious.

"Katy you need to get a permit to have Tyson, then they can't take him away."

"Why would they take him now?, He's live here for almost a year and a half."

She sniffled and called me over.

I stretched across her legs and looked up at her.

Don't cry.

I licked her leg and closed my eyes feeling her hand run though my thick fur gave me goosebumps.

Tam turned on the tv and a person with a microphone asked Rebecca who was crying what happened while the video played. It was of me. my eyes blackened with rage and I lunged onto Rebecca in slow motion. My claws extending and mouth opening to show my teeth sparkling white.

Katy looked shocked and jumped on me to pull me off until Russell kicked me in the head then the video ends.

Oops. Sorry. Again.

Well then again the video didn't show Rebecca pushing katy into the corner.

Tamera paused the tv.

"She's trying to get the police involved saying you have an out of control animal who you basically used to attack her out of jealousy for Russell."

Katy rolled her eyes.

"Fuck Tyson this is bad." Katy said looking sad.

"Well I'm going to get those papers, and meanwhile the bad news is expect more paps trying to get a pic of Tyson and probably you. So keep him out of the yard, and just be careful."she got her car keys and headed for the front door.

"Any good news?" katy yelled

Tamera turned around and said "Well she wasn't hurt, you showed good responsibility by pulling him off and katy really you don't need to worry about anything unless another incident happens...which is unlikely keep him on a short leash these next couple of days I'm sure it will blow over."

"Bye Tyson, katy!"

Well Ty why don't we go downstairs to the music room.

Yay I love that room! it's full of cool instruments and yeah.

I ran down the stairs beating katy to her spot.

"Move doofus!" she playfully pushed me off her chair.

Buzz buzz!

I stopped chewing on a bone and looked up at her.


"Ello love?"

"Russell you asshole what the fuck have you done?!"

"Um I just called to say sorry! I didn't know Rebecca was going to use that girls video. Hell! I didn't even know she took a video!"

"Yeah well you've created this whole mess, and they might take Tyson away!"

Away? I'm not going away?

"I just called to say sorry, and for you to be careful the paps will probably try to create an even bigger story out of this..."

She sighed


"Well bye, call if you need anything."

"I'm still mad at you" She hung up.

Hmm. Oh well.

She went back to writing a song.

"This ones about you buddy!"


Hey guyzzz thanks for all the reads on my other fic ROAR, you guys are the best! and thanks for the support on this one too

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