All by myself

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Brady parked and got out walking up to me, leaning over me.

"Hey buddy." he tried to scratch my head. But I dodged him and showed my teeth.

I don't even know you.

"Alright, alright..I guess we won't become pals as soon as I hoped."

He went back to the car and got out a bag and some small security cameras. Then went back for a tool box.

"Your uh..Ms. Perry and Mr. Mayer asked me to set up some of these security cameras so.." he shifted awkwardly and set the stuff down. "So we won't really see much of each other I guess but she gave me access to the house since she wants them installed at the back and front doors." He walked up the steps and opened the door, and turned back to me.

"You coming buddy?"

I yawned.


I stretched out on the front steps, and waited for the pool man and the meat man.

Thirty minutes later the pool man showed up and Was acting like a weirdo already. I guess he's scared or something, but I decided to follow him into the back yard.

Where he unloaded a bunch of tubes and cleaned the water and stuff.

He Dosnt let me stand by him anymore when he's cleaning it out because I pushed him in once and it was really funny, but katy was really mad at me.

Then the food man showed up and put a bunch of my food in Katy's garage freezer and he tied up a whole meat thing to my tree in the back. It can be really fun but then when I want to eat it I have to get up and jump on my legs for it. So it makes me really tired too.

An hour later pool man left and so did the other guy.

I entered the house looking for Brady who was still installing cameras. He was on a ladder.

"Almost done bud, then I'll be out of your way." I was waiting for him to go to the kitchen and eat some of Shannon's doughnuts and coffee. Because she told me on the couch "Tyson, just because he's a cop dose not automatically make him trustworthy. He will probably just eat all of my fucking doughnuts and coffee".

I watched him for a long time. I'll admit I was trying to scare him or make him feel uncomfortable but nothing I did worked. When he was done he put away the ladder and the other stuff back into his car.

"Did they lock the back gate?"

He walked around to the gate and locked it.

"Well buddy, I'll see you around."

And he got in his car and drove off.

It was getting dark out and I went inside, to eat and I checked the house and made sure Shannon's doughnuts were still in the box on the counter. Then I soon fell asleep on Katy's bed.

The next morning was a rainy one and I woke up and went outside to uh..take care of some business, the heavy raindrops made the backyard grass muddy. By the time I was done I was soaked so I went to the living room and lied down on the soft carpet and the phone rang. It was katy on the recorder

She knows I can't answer but she still calls sometimes and says hi.

It always makes me feel better.

Later that night the doorbell rang and the porch light came on. I could tell it was Russell from the shadow and the scent coming from the door.

He yelled through the door. "Katy are you there this is REALLY important I need to talk ??

I roared through the door so he could hear me, and sat rigjt in front of the door.

"Awh hey Ty! KATY. This is really fucking Important!" he banged on the door and made the doorbell ring a bunch if times. He stopped banging on it "I'll call her! And Tyson you stay there STAY. Don't go outside."

The door was locked and he Couldn't get in so he left.

Later katy called the house again and sounded really panicked.

"Tyson baby I'm coming home don't- go out for ANY reason okay?. and Russell's there but don't let him in I don't know what he's up to in this but stay calm your fine. Just please don't go out okay I love y-"

The power went out, making it dark in the always bright house. The only light coming from the moon. Making me feel really lonely. I've never been here by myself like this. I looked around at the kitchen and the living room. Remembering how it usually is at night either full of friends or just john and katy with the fireplace on.


I remember how awful I was to the both of them at one point being a strain on their relationship. A couple months ago I hatted john, and terrorized him every time I got. like throwing up in his bag full of clothes, that was a good one. Katy was so worried I was sick and john was furious, but wouldn't dare touch me. I made the point clear all the time that I had the power over him and it was quite fun, being a bit mean around him, but only when katy wasn't looking. He would be sitting on the couch, katy in the kitchen. I would jump up on the other side of the soft couch to where were almost touching, he was so tempted to pet me. He shifted into a different position leaning in more my direction. I turned and stared at him showing all of my teeth starting a low growl that only he could hear. But he was smart too "hey Kate look at who's watching tv with me?. She came in, I dropped the glare and growl at John - she never saw. "Awh that's so cute, let me take a picture." she searched her pockets "uh let me get my phone first." Leaving us alone again.

"Why do you hate me? And I'm the I kind of have more authority over you and pet you if I want. Your just the pet, if even that." He said matter-o-factly.

I sat on the couch making myself taller than he was sitting down and snarled at him. Only inches away I could of bitten right into him, and I wanted him to know that, he seemed fine but his eyes were scared and were searching for katy to come and save him. Again she came back with her phone "Yay, you guys moved closer together!, okay one, two, three!" she took it.

Okay I want to be in it and I'll take it with the front camera. She set it as her background and got up and went back to the kitchen where she got on her laptop.

John looked at me and raised his eyebrows. "Haha I won."

He went to pet me with his hand, but I jumped down and roared at him making him jump back. Katy rushed into the living room "What? What's wrong- what happend?"

"I just tried to touch him. That was all?"

"Oh, well just leave him, he'll warm up to you at some point, but I don't want you pushing him too far he is a tiger he can bite and he has claws john."

"Yeah babe I know that." He scoffed probably feeling like a stupid boy that just got scolded by his mother.

The next days I purposely broke and ripped things in front of him. Just because I could, and he would try to tell katy and she never catch on until john would bring it up very meanly and they would fight and yell at each other until john would get his things and leave slamming the door. Leaving katy crying on the couch cuddling up to me. And then she would be miserable until they got back together.


The back yard light flickered, illuminating the raindrops on the windows.

The way I acted makes me feel like maybe I deserve this. I deserve to be in the dark. Alone.


She still has that picture of us on the couch as her background on her phone. It's the only photo she has of all of us. Feeling bad I fell asleep.

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