Chapter 19 - Years Turn Into Decades

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Fallacy and I are in the gardens walking around and dancing.  We have been in the gardens for hours.  He pulls me close to him and kiss me gently.  I kiss him back before laughing.  "What is so funny?"  He asks.  "This whole thing..."  I laugh nervously.  I grab his hand and hug him gently.  He wraps his arms around me, and kisses me on my forehead.  "What is troubling you?"  He asks bringing us both down to the ground.  "We never just die... We keep reliving the same style of life over and over again, though my past few timelines, they have been extremely interesting, but... Have you not, just wanted to relax all of a timeline, instead of the same things, the same sentences over and over again?"  I ask.  He chuckles.  "You asked me that question before I split into Leocade and Fallacy... I never got to answer you then..."  Fallacy says as I look at him.  I remember it now.  I laugh at that as I hold onto him, feeling myself turning to dust.  I open my eyes and hold onto Fallacy tighter.   "We should... Run away... Next timeline, when I 'met' you in Kip's village... You should go there and from there we should run away from everything."  Fallacy says.  "I would like that."  I say smiling.  Fallacy holds me tighter and starts to stroke the side of my skull.   I close my eyes not wanting to ever let go.   We watch as the sun rises and the birds begin their morning song, as the sun begins to wake the flowers.   "Encre?"  Fallacy says.   I open my eyes before moving my head from his chest to his shoulder.   "Yeah?"  I say, while smiling softly.  My hands are against his chest.  "I love you."  He says.  I lift my head off his shoulder and kiss him gently.  I pull back and say "I love you as well, Fallacy."  He blushes and nuzzles his head into my neck.  I hug him gently and he wraps his arms around my waist.  Suddenly I feel him lick my neck and I gasp.   I then remember the thing I wanted to tell him, before we came outside.  "Fallacy... I need to tell you something."  I state nervously.  'Come on you have told him over a thousand times.'  I tell myself.  Fallacy looks worried.  I take his hand in mine before placing his hand against my stomach.  "I am... Pregnant..."  I say.  Fallacy blushes hard at that.  "No matter the amount of times you say that... It always brings me such joy."  Fallacy says kissing me.   I kiss him back smiling.  "And I am always, so nervous to tell you."  I say softly after we pull away.  We smile at each other and he links his fingers with mine.  "LORD FALLACY!!! LORD ENCRE!!!"  I hear.  We both look up to see a butler.  "It is a letter from the King and Queen... They request to have you in their presence by tomorrow evening... Lady Eterna told me this."  They say.  I then get a horrible feeling deep inside me.  Fallacy squeezes my hand gently.  "Thank you, please return to your regular duties."  Fallacy says.  The butler nods and runs off again.  I look up at Fallacy worriedly.  I have personally not been requested to see them with Fallacy, I have met them before and they are very nice people, but I do not like this feeling I am having.

Time skip...

Fallacy has me wearing the full black outfit that covers me from head to toe for this meeting while he is wearing his best attire, like he does going to any meeting.  We are entering the castle calmly.  He is holding me close to him but we keep our posture pristine and our movements swift and graceful.  "Who are they?"  I hear and it puts me on edge.  "Do you think that is The Vampire King and his Partner?"   I hear.  "Yeah, I heard they were going to be brought here... I heard the King and Queen are going to kill them their selves."  I hear a woman chuckle.  I grab onto Fallacy now getting scared.  "They have good hearing you moron, they probably heard you."  I hear.  I am shaking now.  Fallacy pulls me to the side and hugs me.  "They are just trying to scare us, my sweet... Remember who you really are... You are wonderful and extremely talented, but if something happens I will do everything in my power to make sure YOU and Jasper get out of here."  Fallacy says.  I nod softly.  He moves my face veil and places his hands on my cheeks.  He wipes my tears away and has me look him in the eyes.  "I will protect you, my sweet."  He says.  I smile softly at him.  "Woah... Vampires have feelings?"  I hear.  He fixes my face veil and takes my hand in his.  He kisses it softly.  "My sweet, shall we continue?" He asks.  I nod hesitating momentarily.  He smiles gently at me and we continue walking.  Silver is starting to get quite predominant as we get closer.  I can feel it, but there is no burn.  I hold onto Fallacy tightly.  "My sweet it will be alright, they probably put this up during the war."  Fallacy says.  I nod and the silver is starting to hurt.  Fallacy and I are moving quickly he picks me up and carries me due to me not being able to move anymore.  I am grabbing onto him tightly.  "They are trying to kill us... Fallacy... I am scared..."  I say softly.  Seconds later we get to the room and the huge doors open.  Fallacy continues to carry me into the flower covered room.  I can breathe again.  Fallacy sets me down and checks me over.  "What happened?"  I hear the King ask.  "Silver... My partner cannot handle large amounts of it as well as I can."  Fallacy says helping me stand up.  He holds me closely.  He examines my left arm's bones to see they are fine.  "Forgive me and my wife, we have not removed it in case of rogue attacks."  The King says.  I whine at that.  The King looks confused.  "I was born rogue... I do take that as a compliment though."  I state.  Fallacy smirks hearing that.  Since I grew up in multiple Rogue villages and was their collective leader multiple times, additionally I act Rogue occasionally.  The king looks worried for my comment.  "Do not fret, we are here on peaceful terms, unless you were planning something else."  Fallacy says calmly.  Now I know he is on edge as well.  "No this is all peaceful, unless you do something to agitate the guards."  The King says loudly, sounding angry.  I get worried again and I hold onto Fallacy tightly.  "Please keep your voice down, you are hurting my partner's ears, there is no need to raise your voice, we can hear every change in your voice even if it is slight."  Fallacy says.  He caresses my covered cheek.  He smiles gently.  The King has a look of disgust.  "Your majesty, that better not be what I think it is."  Fallacy says.  The Queen comes in, wearing a complicated huge dress.  It is white and purple with the kingdom's flag design attached to it.  Fallacy straightens slightly and I do as well.  In the Vampire society woman are the main go tos in strength, since when their family or children are put in danger they put up the biggest fight.  The King looks confused by this.  "Lord Fallacy's partner, you are to go with my wife, while this meeting takes place."  The King says.  I lean into Fallacy "See they are trying to separate us Fallacy..."  I mutter into him.  "My love, no, no... It is mortal law, that the wife or partner does not sit with the males... I forgot to tell you this."  Fallacy says.  The King looks irritated.  Fallacy wipes away my tears gently.   I then stand tall with my arms and hands folded in front of me.  "There... "  Fallacy says.   "Just call me, or use that magic beam I taught you how to use, if they try to do anything."  He says.   I nod.  "Oh and my love another thing before you go..."  He says loudly.  "Back straight, silent, and if anyone touches you, but me no matter who they are..."  Fallacy says trailing off looking towards them.  "You are to rip their throat out and come find me immediately."  Fallacy says.  I nod again as I straighten my back.  "I love you."  He says.  "I love you as well."  I say.  "Now you can go to the Queen... Be careful."  He says.  I am hesitant but I go over to her.  She is cautious around me as we go through halls.  We are getting further and further away from them.   I look back worriedly to see guards following us.  I look back to see the Queen no where in sight.  I start to shake in fear, due to the slight burn of sliver surrounding me.  The Guards come up to me and I am shaking terrified.   "You are The Vampire King's mate, correct?"  One asks.  I nod bringing my arms into my chest trying to bring myself into my body, due to the silver and me being terrified.  "BACK AWAY FROM THEM!"  I hear a powerful voice shout.  I drop to my knees sobbing because I am so scared.  I hold my stomach supporting Jasper. My exposed hands are burning due to such close contact with their silver armour.  "Oh dear, you got to close to them."  I hear.  "May I help you up?"  The Queen asks me as she leans down.  "I do not... Want to get you... In trouble, with my lord."  I say softly.  I try to stand up but collapse back to my knees.  "Please allow me to help you up, us women meet in a room where there is little silver I promise."  The Queen says gently.  

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