Chapter 24 - Fixing The Broken (Part 1)

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I told Lord Fallacy everything and he looks disgusted and was appalled to hear how me and my brother were separated when I was 10.  Right now we are eating and I am eating cautiously fearful of if I mess up I'll be hit somehow. "Lord Encre are you alright?"  Suave asks me.  "Yes... I am alright."  I say noticing that I am shaking now.  Lord Fallacy comes over to me and then wraps his arms around me.  "Lord Fallacy... What... Are you doing?"  I ask.  "Lord Fallacy..."  I hear a maid say.  

Lord Fallacy had brought me to the Garden just outside the castle.  He is dancing with me and he is smiling brightly.  I am extremely hesitant but I am feeling myself relax slightly as time goes on.  We sway to and fro, dancing under the full moon and stars that are glowing and twinkling above us.  I then put some feeling into the movements I make and I spin and dance with Fallacy, feeling more confident with myself.  He then is holding me tightly his arms wrapped around me, making me feel extremely safe.  I wrap my arms around his waist feeling so safe now.  He pulls away suddenly and I close back up.  "Encre..."  he says softly.  "Yes?" I say quickly.  He grabs my hands and holds them gently.  He spins me around gently and I spin.  I then see a flash and I see us dancing still but we both look much older and I look pregnant.  It then goes back to normal. He is bringing us both down.  "My dear..."  he says gently, as he is holding me.  I look up at him feeling that pull towards him. I wrap my arms around him and place my head against his chest. I want to never leave his side.  "Encre... May I make you one of us?" Lord Fallacy says.  I feel worried but I nod yes. "I want to know what your soul wants... Not what Kip's mother told you to say." He says.  He takes my soul out of my body and I go to grab it. He sees how cracked and split it is.  He looks angered but the look on his face softens.  "No... You were not supposed to see... She is... Going to kill me..." I panic. "No... She will not touch you... Never again."  He says rubbing my soul suddenly. A jolt of pure pleasure rushes through me. I grab onto Lord Fallacy due to the shock.  "Are you alright?"  He asks.  I nod slowly as he is slowly rubbing it still.  My body feels hot and it is getting uncomfortable.  "My Dear... Are you alright now?"  He asks.  "No... I feel hot and weird..."  I mutter.  "Forgive me... I didn't know how sensitive you were."  He says.  I then see my magic through my night pants and I cover over myself. I am so embarrassed at myself in this current situation.  I then see him lick my soul and I gasp accidentally grabbing my member.  He does not stop and I am gasping and moaning now as I am holding onto Lord Fallacy.  I am touching myself not being able to control myself.   I am starting to feel strange and my head is spinning.  "Please... Lord Fallacy... Stop..."  I panic not knowing what to do.  He lays me down. "What is wrong?" He asks. "I feel weird... Like... I am going to explode..." I say panicking. "Does it scare you?"  He asks me.  I nod.  "Do you trust me?"  He asks.  I nod softly.  "Then let me make you feel good."  He says.  I nod slowly and relax.  He starts to undo my shirt slowly and I open myself to him.  I suddenly start seeing flashes of us having intercourse and I now lean up showing my whole top half to him.  He starts to slip my shirt off.  My wrists and forearms are bandaged carefully. He caresses every scar I have gently while he is playing with my soul.

Time skip...

I have been with Lord Fallacy for months now. He explained to me that these dreams and flashes are all parts of my past lives. I have never felt better about myself and I am always smiling around Lord Fallacy.  He takes me everywhere and I love it.  Today he is taking me somewhere as a surprise and I am extremely excited. Right now I am hugging Lord Fallacy in the carriage.  My head is on his lap and I am hugging him around the waist.  "My dear... Why don't you sleep for a few moments?" He says.  I nod slightly before closing my eyes.

I feel myself being shaken awake and I hear chuckling.  I open my eyes blinking a few times. "My dear..."  I hear Lord Fallacy chuckle. I blink a few more times and he is smiling down at me.  I smile brightly at him, feeling excited to see him.  I sit up and hug him tightly.  "You slept well?" He says laughing.  "Yes... I slept well, Lord Fallacy."  I say pulling back.  I smile brightly at him.  He places a hand on my cheek and kisses me softly.  I am taken by surprise by this.  I kiss him back gently as well.  He then pulls back smiling while I am blushing.  "Encre... Let us go..."  he says smiling as he picks me up causing me to squeak. "So cute..."  He says carrying me from the carriage.  He picks me up while he spins me around then sets me down.  I feel dizzy but I laugh softly as I fall into him.  He holds me and I wrap my arms around his waist gently. "My dear... You alright?"  He asks.  I nod softly.  We then grabs my hand gently and kisses it.  We start to walk then and then I realize where we are.  People are just glaring at me.  I feel myself shutting down as I stand properly and my hand slips from Lord Fallacy's.  I walk properly beside him.  He stops and I stop as well.  "My dear... Just be yourself..."  He says placing a hand on my cheek.  "They...-" I get cut off by "LORD FALLACY!!!"  I then see Margret and Charles.  Lord Fallacy pulls me into him and my arms land against his chest.  I place my head between them having grown too embarrassed.  "Oh... Encre, my sweet little sunshine!!! I was wondering where you had run off to!!!"  I hear Margret.  "Encre... I order you to be silent."  He says.  'But talk when you feel the need.'  I hear.  I look him in the eyes and nod.  "Oh, Margret and Charles I came to retrieve his brother... Since I did drop them both off together.  Since well... Encre was trained to be a butler apparently."  Lord Fallacy says.  "We trained him to be a suitable partner for you.  He was too wild and carefree, you are a strong and hard working man after all."  Charles sucks up.  "That is why I picked him, he was carefree and happy... Now, where is his brother?"  Lord Fallacy asks and he sounds angry.  I am shaking while holding onto him.  "My dear... Forgive me for scaring you."  He says gently.  I slowly relax in his arms again.  "You idiot..."  I hear someone say and I just want to die.  "Encre is doing it wrong... Like always."  I hear.  Lord Fallacy holds me tighter.  'Is this... What I made him endure?  Damn it... The one place, I thought he would be safe. I only put him... In more danger... I can fix this... I can fix this.'  I hear him think. "Mortals can not do anything right."  I hear someone snicker. "His brother died of disease..." Margret says.  "Liar..."  I say feeling tears in my eyes.  My world is shattering slowly. "What?"  Charles says.  "You split us... Up... You liars."  I say.  Fallacy's grip on me has tightened.  Charles starts to run and Margret looks hurt.  Suddenly Charles is hanging upside down by blue strings that attach to Lord Fallacy's free hand. 

Time skip...

I am waiting with Suave beside the carriage.  Suave has his eyes focused on me and my surroundings.  I then see someone walking towards us and I move closer to Suave.  "Lord Encre... Are you alright?"  He asks.  I nod slowly.  "Encre... So he accepted you?  Pfft..."  A Vampire says.  Suave then gets in front of me and has me behind him.  "Awe..."  The Vampire says.  "Lord Encre stay behind me..."  He says.  I don't argue or protest.  "Now you got protection... What is a Mortal going to do to me?"  The Vampire laughs.  Suave then pulls out a stake and I jump seeing it, even if I am a mortal.  Suave's hands are covered with gloves most of the time so, I have never known if he was mortal or not.  The Vampire jumps seeing it as well.  "Suave..."  I hear Lord Fallacy say. I run to him scared.  "Insult Lord Encre, one more time peasant..."  Suave says defensively. Lord Fallacy looks at me worriedly.  "Here hold his hand while I deal with this."  Lord Fallacy says linking my hand with someone else's.  He goes off and I am confused.  "Encre?"  I hear.   I look down the arm seeing a white skeleton arm then Paint.  He is crying and I start crying as well.  I hug him tightly.  We are a ball of hugs and tears currently.  I stopped crying so I could console him.  I am rubbing his back gently.  We get picked up suddenly.  My arms are wrapped around Paint tightly.  "So cute..."  I hear Lord Fallacy say.  I relax right away and I look at him smiling.  

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