Dear diary,
I take back what I said yesterday. Boring high school? Not today. I finally got the chance to look around my classroom, to check out my classmates. A few of them talked to me and seemed really nice. All of them girls. I had a pretty good time until the gossip started. I've never been much of a fan of spreading rumors and talking behind someone's back, but I guess that comes with girl classmates. One of them was not like the others. She came late the first day (not a big deal for me, but the others notice). She talked with boys only. She seemed popular among them and it's just the beginning of school. And that's all it takes for the other girls to gossip and dislike. It made me sad, for the obvious reason. This was me in elementary school. Always with the boys (no funky business). I mean, they are so much more easy going than girls. No play pretend, no gossip, no hate. They tell everything as it is. They don't act like something they are not. They don't judge without knowing you.
This was all in elementary. I see that high school won't be that simple. Being the girl among the boys is apparently more troublesome than worthy. I guess that's the world of growing up girls. I'll have to get used to it if I want to get through high school unharmed.But there was something about this girl. She was chatty, flirty, center of attention. And she loved it. She enjoyed having the guys around, slowly wrapping them around her manicured fingers. It's the kind of girl that you don't want to get on her bad side. She'll crush you.
I guess that's the first person I will have to be wary around. And it's only the second day since the school started. Yay.

Honest Diaries
Non-FictionA little insight into a high school girl's mind, falling in love with one boy that keeps his place in her thoughts throughout her life, struggling with her feelings.