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"Why did you reuse the milk that you already frothed for other drinks? It will ruin the taste! How can you not know such basic coffee brewing technique?" I said to the male barista.

"If I receive one more complaint from the customer, you can say goodbye to this job," I added to him, who couldn't even look at me.

He was young, a kid who had just finished high school and worked at the café for a month. I knew that he was inexperienced and that I was being harsh but I couldn't help it.

I was used to having a barista who can brew coffee so perfectly.


Before the emotions took control of me, I left the bar and headed to my office. I closed the door behind me and walked to the window. I stared out of the window and watched the green trees and blooming flowers outside.

Winter had gone and now it was already spring.

It has been three months. A lot of things happened since then.

I have finished my internship at Beans Coffee in Caribbean.

Surprisingly the manager, Brittany had written a well-praised evaluation for me and because of it, the headquarters decided to hire me. I am now a manager at Beans Coffee's new branch in New York. Brittany had since quit her job to pursue her other career; apparently she's a musical actress now. That explained why she kept disappearing to do her 'personal matters' back then.

And Lauren, I mean Michelle, I haven't met her since the last time we were at the hospital. Elizabeth told me that she went through psychology therapy and regained her childhood memories. She remembered everything that happened before and after the hide and seek game. During the game, she hid in one of the cargo trains and fell asleep. She only woke up when the train reached anotherstate. That was how she got lost.

I also heard from my parents that Michelle  had already reunited with her father. They had a tearful reunion after being separated for more than 18 years. Michelle had also left the orphanage and moved in with her family.

I'm sure she's happy now.

I smiled to myself.

But I was hurting.

My parents said Michelle  asked to meet me but I refused. There was nothing else to say. It could never be the same again between us. Every time I see her, I will only be reminded of how I destroyed her life. And every time she sees me, she'll see someone who killed her mother.

There was no other ways to this.

I just have to stay away from her, despite my feelings for her.

I might not be able to love anyone else in my life, but I knew I deserved this punishment. After everything that I had put her through, I deserved to be in this misery alone. I was content just to know that she's happy.

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