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We're going too fast
Save us

One of my all time favorite  Twenty Øne Piløts  songs.

One of my long term enemies.

My slowtown defeated  my anxiety.

Find a "slowtown"
It could be a place, a person.
A "slowtown" is something  that calms you, takes you away from the world, slows time.

And hold on to it. Do not let go. Use it when you are sad. Use it when you are afraid.

My slowtown is very large.
It  is a certain area,with a  stretch of highway running through it,  about fifteen  minutes  from my house. 
It's a forest.  There is no phone service.  No wifi. No people. I spend a lot of time up there, hunting with mt dad, and usually  I come home calm and peaceful . Ready to take on anything.  This forest is one of the most beautiful  places I've seen. I love it there. I have a few bad memories  there,many many happy ones too.  The forest  is where I contemplated suicide  for the last time.  I was hiking.
I've had amazing times there with my thoughts. My thoughts are always clear.
That  forest was where I made the decision to be happy.

Wouldn't it be great if we could just lay down and wake up in slowtown?




Called eyeliner troop.
I did it.
I lowkey regret it.
Please join

The code thingie is



Bring Eyeliner (The Emo Trinity  + Tøp) [COMPLETED-ish]Where stories live. Discover now