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I didn't  get to update  about the day of service agh

If you participated what did you do?

Me having mental issues below

My great grandfather  died a month ago.
it didn't  really hit me  until  Wednesday  when I broke down to tears in front of a little boy I was mentoring.

I was working on my family  tree (one lil promo ) and showing this boy how to use it, to get him excited about genealogy  (it's cool okay) and I was showing him the order of the family tree and I got to  my great grandparents . I lost it.
I haven't  seen him since I was 11. That's 4 years. He was too sick to leave Canada for our reunions and we could never go up there  to visit.
I don't know why suddenly  this is having  such an affect on me...
I should  have written  him more letters. 
I should  have been a better granddaughter.
I got too caught up in life and forgot that my family  is more important.

I don't know. I'm just sad.. um.

Stay hydrated  my favorite people.

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