Intro: you're gonna get confused if you skip

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Announcement: I do have a new Phantom of the Opera fanfiction up on my profile! It is a unique take on the tale that I have not personally seen done before.  It is called "Before the Phantom" I hope you enjoy!

~I do suggest you read the outro before you actually start the story. It's totally up to you, but it will explain the editing thing.~

~The unedited chapters are not where I want them to be. When I edit them, the main concept will be the same, but things may be added or taken away. Mainly though, I just want to clean up the story.~

Hello! I'm Kate and pretty much what happened is I watched the Avengers one night and when I went to sleep I had a dream.  This story stems from that dream.

The main thing is that there will be time jumps. My character, although from earth, isn't originally from the present day.

My character is also a cynical little shit.

I'll probably get some of the mythology wrong so for the experts out there I apologize in advance.

This is I guess a slow burn sort of fic.  I plan to have an eventual Loki/Oc pairing but I want to take the time to build up the relationship and also stay true to Loki's character.

My character's abilities are some that I haven't seen very many stories deal with. You'll see. ;)

The story is from my character's point of view.

Please feel free to leave comments, suggestions, criticisms, etc.,

On with the story!

A Very Unlikely Tale // LokiWhere stories live. Discover now