Outro: announcements and future plans

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First off I want to give a huge shoutout to the readers who voted and commented and stayed with this story through its ups and downs. You guys are the ones who motivate me to keep writing and I'm exceedingly grateful.

Secondly, will there be a sequel?


No there will not.

When I first had the idea for this story it was never meant to be a very long story. Each chapter is in the 1,000 word area, and there are only about 29 true chapters. While there won't be a continuation, I do intend to go back through this story and edit each chapter. I'll mark the chapters when I do, so if you want to read a better version of the story, keep checking back in!

I'm currently working on an original story that will be called Transform. I have no clue when it will be up, but the reason it isn't published yet is that I want to complete it and publish it as a complete work. A few days before I publish it I plan to post a teaser chapter at the end of this fan fiction.

Edit:  Due to a severe case of writers block, I've decided to start posting what I have of Transform and see how it goes.  I'll post the first chapter at the end of this book. 

(Edit from 2020 Kate: Nevermind. Had it up, began to hate it. Some things don't work out, ya know?)

Disclaimer: I do not own, nor do I have any affiliation with Marvel, nor do I own any of the characters.

The characters I do own have names especially chosen for their personality or for an element of who they are. Congrats to you if you caught on.


Flora: this was explained in the story, its derived from the Latin word Flos which means flower.

Ida: Ida is derived from the element īd which means work or labor. Her name is what she is: a hard working woman.

Asta: Nordic alternative to Astrid. Both names mean Divine Beauty.

Endre: A shortened version of the Old Norse name Eindride, which means One who's riding alone. I thought it would be fitting for a someone who spent the majority of his childhood dependent only to himself.

Well I suppose that's it! I can hardly believe it's over. Once again thank you to my readers, it's been quite a journey. Thanks for sticking by me, and I hope to see you again in a future story!

Spread peace, love, and kindness,

Your devoted Authoress,


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