Chapter 24

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Endre stands on the pedestal in front of a floor length mirror as I watch the seamstress and her apprentices fuss over him, giggling about how adorable he is and pinching his cheeks while taking his measurements.   He grumbles every so often and shoots me a slight glare as they continue to do their work.  I only ever laugh in response and he rolls his eyes, a trait he no doubt picked up from Loki.  The two have grown close over the last few days and Endre has even been borrowing some of Loki's childhood clothes, though they're still to large to fit him properly.

"Oooooh look!"

My attention is immediately drawn to a deep blue fabric being held up against the boy's skin.

"It brings out his eyes so well!" The seamstress continues.  Her assistants nod in agreement, commenting on the rich blue fabric.

I smile, knowing they're right.  The navy certainly does bring out his ice-blue eyes and also compliments his hair, which (after a couple of good baths) we discovered was a lovely chocolate brown.  I look at Endre to see his reaction and frown, realizing how he's stiffened.

"Endre? What do you think?" I ask gently, wondering what could possibly bother him.

He swallows, searching for the correct words, "D-does it have to be blue?"

I furrow my brow and look at the cloth.  It was a beautiful color, like ocean waves during a summer storm, "You don't like blue?"

He only shakes his head and shifts in his spot. 

"Alright, we'll look for something else." I concede.  I make a mental note to talk to him about it later. 

We go through several fabrics, choosing multiple different colors and textures. Every time a shade of blue is suggested, however, he stiffens and refuses.

I take Endre's hand in mine as we exit the shoppe. We are told all of his garments would be completed within two weeks.

I smile down at him, "Is there any place else you'd like to go?"

He doesn't meet my eyes, "No thank you, may we just go home?"

"Of course we can. You feeling okay?" I am getting more and more concerned for him. This bright, happy child is suddenly almost as closed off as Loki was when I met him.

"Mhm." He murmurs.

We enter the palace and finally reach my chambers, "Do you want to come sit with me for a while?"

He says nothing, but nods and follows me inside.

I decide not to put it off, and instead address the elephant in the room directly, "Would you like to tell me why you hate blue so much?"

He tenses and his eyes snap up to meet mine, "No, I would rather not." Then, realizing how harsh he had sounded, "Sorry... I just don't want to talk about it."

I cup the little boy's face in my hand, "You know, whatever it is, you can tell me."

He shakes his head and I notice tears threaten to spill down his cheeks.

"I'm scared to." He says simply.

I soften my voice, "Why?"

He wipes at his cheeks, "I'm scared you'll be scared."

I gape at the child, "Why would I be scared?"

A Very Unlikely Tale // LokiWhere stories live. Discover now